Thursday, June 21, 2018

15 Years of Us ~ 2003 to 2018

15 years!  Man, time flies when you're "having fun" or working hard, breathing, and raising kids.  Haha!  Through the ups and downs and highs and lows, it has been a good life, our sweet love story.  It is still being written day by day, and while I love looking back on all the happy memories, I am also excited about the future of the story as it unfolds.  In the words of the beloved Forrest Gump's mama, "Life is like a box of chocolates.  You never know what you're going to get."  (Unless you cheat and look at the descriptions on the box, but who would do that?  Ha!)  So happy 15th anniversary to the man who shares the starring role in this drama-filled love story, and here's to many more.  As has been tradition on these "milestone" occasions, I like to look back at where the journey has taken us:


Our wedding day dawned bright and sunny, and we hoped its perfect weather would be a foreshadowing of the days to come.

Our Honeymoon in Hawaii ~ a romantic picnic for two in Hana, Maui

A Trip to the Big Apple in a very cold January ~ on top of the Empire State Building in the freezing cold! 

Our very 1st Anniversary in our 1st home together! 

About the only picture that exists of us together in 2005 because "someone" deleted all of the pictures off of our new digital camera right after Christmas before I could download the pictures.  Not naming any names here though.  Ha! 

We celebrated Eddie's 10 year high school reunion and the pending arrival of our first baby. 

Our first baby boy, Evan, made us a happy family of 3. 

We enjoyed our first Christmas with Evan. 

Our family Easter pictures became a family tradition. 

We enjoyed Evan's first real trip to the beach. 

We traveled to California to visit Evan's Great-Grandma, Yosemite National Park, Napa Valley, and San Francisco. 

We attended my first law school formal. 

Beach time is always our favorite. 

We just loved being Evan's parents. 

Our family grew by one more bouncing baby boy as we welcomed our sweet Brody into the family. 

Christmas was so fun with two boys. 

We attended a masquerade ball for another law school formal. 

We took our kids to Disney World for the first time. 

And we had more fun beach time. 


Sherry graduated from law school after four long years of working full time and going to school at night and being pregnant twice.  She was also almost 9 months pregnant with our first baby girl. 

We welcomed our angel, Mattie Claire, to forever live in our hearts. 


We visited our nation's capital for Spring Break. 

And we finally announced we were expecting our little rainbow baby. 


Our beautiful Mattox arrived. 
Our family moved to Holly Springs, NC. 


Our little rainbow Mattox turned 1. 
We visited Hogwarts and rode the Hogwarts Express.

We visited the Gulf coast of Florida. 
Our beautiful second rainbow, Grayson, arrived. 


We moved to the Savannah, GA area. 
We visited Disney World again as a family of 6. 

Our family just keeps on growing. 

Our baby boy turned 1. 


Our little family is growing and growing. 

And as we grow old together, our love keeps growing too. 
Here's to many more years together and even more wonderful memories to come!   Happy Anniversary, Eddie!  Thank you for putting up with me for over 15 years.

Your devoted wife

For our anniversary date, we took advantage of a visit from Grandma to sneak away for a nice dinner together.  Our sweet oldest son, Evan, took some pictures of us before our date. 

I feel like these pictures or the long dress really make me look unnaturally tall.  Haha!  I was wearing heels too. 

A lovely dinner together.  This restaurant is probably one of the best in the entire Savannah region, but it is a hidden gem because it is located in a more secluded coastal area just down the road from where we live.  It is called Marker 107 off Hwy. 144 if you are interested.  It still stays pretty busy though.  We actually ran into the parents of one of Evan's classmates (a cute girl that he may like a little bit...hehe!) who were also celebrating their 15th anniversary.  

After dinner, we enjoyed the beautiful weather and secluded view of the marsh and waterfront.  

This little inlet flows directly out to the ocean and host a deep sea boat marina. 

The evening sky was gorgeous, and we loved watching the water fowl fly by.  We did see some dolphins jumping too. 

Eddie sat in deep thought. 

A flag flew proudly in the gentle breeze. 

The sunset made the water sparkle. 

A little fishing vessel sat at the dock awaiting another day's adventure. Most of the seafood served in the restaurant is freshly caught. 

A little side-by-side comparison.  I try not to be too disappointed in the changes that have occurred in 15 years.  I know my body has done a lot in that time.  

I think we still have a lot of adventuring to do. 


  1. Happy 15 year anniversary you two! You have been through the worst that life can give you and you have come through it. That is a HUGE testament to your love for and commitment to each other. I'm praying the next fifteen years bring many more rainbows and many fewer storms.

  2. Wishing you both a happy 15th wedding anniversary. I especially love how your looking at each other in your first law school formal picture.

  3. Happy Anniversary! I am so thankful that the two of you have given your children an amazing gift...a stable and loving home...and teaching them what a happy marriage can be. :)


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