Saturday, July 25, 2015

Evan's 1st Day of 3rd Grade

Third grade!  That just seems like the big time.  He is officially halfway through his elementary school career.  When did that happen?  And he will have his first big state test scores this year, will learn to write in cursive, and will learn his multiplication tables among other huge life skills.  He will also have a fun year learning science and history.  I am so excited for him.  Evan's first day of school was on Tuesday, July 7th so he just finished his third week of school and is almost halfway through his first quarter with only a little over a month until he is out again for his next break.  Yeah, I am a bit behind, but I am starting to feel like I am getting caught up now.

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There isn't a huge difference between his end of second grade look and his beginning of third grade look since it was only a month apart.  He did get a new outfit for his first day of school although he will be using his same backpack another year (we are so glad we get two years out of his backpacks right now).  I think he looks so handsome. 

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And from the back. 

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This cool kid pose was my idea. 

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We actually took these pictures the evening before because I wasn't sure if the weather would cooperate in the morning.  

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His modeling pose.  

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Since the weather did cooperate that morning, we got a picture with little brothers. 

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My favorite brick wall pose at his new school with his superlatives.  

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The door to his classroom. 

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Big kid desks this year.  He has a great year ahead of him. 


  1. Wow, his classes started early. Praying that Evan has a good school year.

  2. He looks so ready to take on third grade! I am really disappointed that in our province's curriculum kids are no longer taught cursive and their multiplication tables, which are the things that defined third grade for me.

  3. Awwww, my favorite is the modeling pose...too cute! I'm also glad to read that kids still learn cursive these days. :)

  4. He looks so ready for the 3rd grade! I really think third grade is such a big year for the kids. By the middle of the year, they really start turning into "big kids."

  5. Cursive and multiplication tables? Yep, that is 3rd grade for sure. And you are so right about it being "big time". 3rd grade is just big time. I feel the same way about 2nd grade for Spencer this year. All of his pictures came out so well. I love the cool kid pose. I'm kind of sad I haven't done that with Spencer. And you know I couldn't possibly start now with no comparisons from earlier. Ha ha!


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