Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Our Valentines 2019

Getting Maggie home from the hospital made our Valentine's Day really special although we celebrated in the simplest way at home with our newborn premature baby girl.  We took our first pictures together as a family and just enjoyed being all together finally.

Maggie was definitely given lots of love by her big brothers.  

Mattox was particularly fond of his baby sister.  Brody and Mattox did take turns trying to ruin the photos though. 

Our sweet littlest Valentine turned 1 month old on Valentine's. 

We had anticipated she may have been born on Valentine's, but we were happy to get to celebrate her first Valentine's with her at home. 

The boys were all happy with their little candy heart treats.  

Evan definitely doesn't say no to chocolate. 

Mommy is definitely in love with her baby girl. 

Our first family picture with baby Maggie

Papa finally got to come and home his newest granddaughter. 
Grandma had gotten to hold Maggie at the hospital, but she got to spend Valentine's with five of her grand babies. 

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