Monday, March 4, 2013

23 & 24 Weeks

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Monday, February 25, 2013

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Monday, March 4, 2013

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This silly little cutie wanted to join the picture taking session. 

We have made it to 24 weeks.  It seems like February truly lived up to its reputation of being a "short" month because it went so fast.  The weeks are just flying by which is a little sad when I look at how quickly my boys are growing.  Evan is growing up like a beanstalk, and all of his shirts and sleeves are getting too short. His daddy marks his growth, and he is putting on at least a half an inch a month it seems lately.  My sweet little baby Brody is almost 2! *Sigh*  I know that I'll soon be saying the same about little Mattie. She should already weigh over a pound and be about the length of an ear of corn.  The belly is definitely out now, and that is not surprising when Babycenter says my uterus is now the size of a soccer ball.  Ha!  Brody has even noticed the belly now and will even point to my belly sometimes when asked where the baby is.  

Weight Gain:  I guess it is around 10 pounds, but I don't use our scales at home.  That once a month weigh in at the doctor is about all I can stand.   

Maternity Clothes:  I finally broke down and bought some new maternity clothes because I was just hating that so few items in my closet were fitting any more.  It would be nice if I could lounge around in my pajamas all day, but I guess that isn't going to happen anytime soon.  I did get some cute options on sale at a local maternity store called Pickles & Ice Cream (isn't that just the perfect name for a maternity store?) and Motherhood.    

Sleep: Still about the same.  I do still have trouble with a sore back and hips but pillows usually help. 

Best Moment of this Week: The last couple of weeks have allowed Eddie to feel his little girl's pretty strong kicks.  She is definitely making her presence known now. 

Movement:  Yep, we are feeling those punches or kicks now!  I am thinking this little lady will have no problem defending herself if these kicks are any indication.

Food Cravings:  I did finally get some Pinkberry frozen yogurt the other weekend, and they just so happened to have my favorite flavor back...salted caramel!  It was so good.  I always love a good salad too.

Food Aversions:  I still haven't really had any aversions.  

What I Miss:  Energy!  Man, I have just been so tired lately although I haven't really had a chance to fully rest.  

Gender:  Sweet baby girl to join a house full of boys!

Symptoms: Heartburn and back and hip pain are the primary symptoms so far.  I do still experience the occasional nausea brought on mostly by not eating soon enough or gagging.  Seriously, I have a terrible gag reflex!

What I'm looking forward to:  Spring break week and then being done with school (we are definitely in the home stretch), having a 3D/4D ultrasound in April so we can get that final confirmation that little girl is on the way, and ordering some stuff for the nursery.  We ordered the boys bunk beds today, but we'll be taking our time transitioning Brody from his crib to a big bed.  We wanted bunk beds with sturdy stairs and not just a ladder and built-in drawers for more storage.  I think Evan will like the top bunk. 


We are so excited to finally get to meet you in a few months.  Getting to feel you moving and kicking has really made it all so much more real, and we love that you are getting so much stronger.  Keep growing!  




  1. She's going to be here before you know it! Exciting!

    1. Yes, we are excited, but there is just so much to do. *Sigh*

  2. I am loving these snow flakes! Hope you feel better soon. : )


    1. Thanks, Kelly! I am feeling okay...just tired. I am ready to replace the snowflakes with something more spring like now. :-)

  3. Soooo exciting! The next couple of months are going to go so quick. If the clothes in the pictures are new- good job! You look so cute! I'm so excited to see the progress of the rooms.

    1. Well, the gray dress was new. It is very comfortable. I added the pink belt to it. The red sweater is on old one that I had to pull out because we are having another cold spell. Ugh, I am just ready for warmer weather now...although you can keep the 80 degree stuff. :-)

  4. Isn't it the best when Daddy (and others) can feel the baby kick?! I love it!

    Also, praying for you as you finish up school. Hang in there Sherry! You can do it!!!

    1. I love when they start is just a little more reassuring knowing that they are okay in there. ;-) Yes, I am beginning to feel like school is finally going to end and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel now.

  5. That's such a fun name for a Maternity store. And I really like your header, it is new, right? It just looks different to me for some reason :) Do you do them yourself?

    1. I just saw this comment. Yes, I make my own headers usually using picmonkey. I kept the snowflake theme for now to go along with our recent snow pictures. So the pictures in the header are new although the theme is the same. :-)

  6. You are sooo cute!! This is a great way to lead up to the birth of that sweet bundle of pink!

    1. Yes, I am trying to keep up with the documenting the best way I can. It doesn't feel too much like a chore as long as I can keep it up-to-date and don't fall behind with posting. When I started this whole blog, I was determined to begin at the beginning of our "journey" as a family in 2003, but I didn't start the blog until 2009. Needless to say, it took me months just to catch up. Haha! I think it was worth it though since I now have a good way of printing and keeping our family memories.


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