Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mattie's Nursery Planning

Well, I have been a little slack the last couple of weeks on taking pictures.  We have just been busy with the mundane and normal tasks of daily living and caring for children, and the camera has been getting a well-deserved break.  I feel really bad about not capturing some of our normal everyday life lately though so I definitely need to work on that.  Of course, we are gearing up for more busyness (Is that even a word?  It just looks weird.) with the boys' birthdays coming up, setting up their new bunk beds and getting their new shared space ready, Easter, getting everything ready for the new addition, mommy's graduation, etc.  As usual, the list goes on and on.  So I thought I would give you a little sneak peek into our plans for the little pink space we'll soon be adding to our very blue home.  When I first started planning this out (way before knowing if we were having a girl or boy), I decided relatively quickly what colors I wanted to use.  Since this is likely to be our only little girl and our last baby, I knew there would have to be pink.  However, I am not a fan of bright bold pinks.  I just love the light and feminine feel of soft pastels.  I also absolutely love the way baby pink and blue look together.  I decided that I wanted a light pink and aqua nursery this time.  The room is already painted a light shade of blue, and the furniture is white so not many changes need to be made there although we'll probably add a light shade of pink to the walls.  When I was looking and browsing for bedding, the only crib bedding ensemble I really found that met these qualifications was a slightly richer tone of the colors I loved.  I had sort of made up my mind that I could handle those colors since I hadn't seen anything better.  I created this "mood board" to see what I could work with for the space.

 photo babyroom_zpsd85d8230.jpg

It wasn't bad, but I still really wasn't feeling it.  I wanted a monogram above the crib which I'll probably order from the Etsy site where I got our free monogram for our room.  There is a very sweet little decal that I ordered for Brody's nursery on the wall that I would like to keep so I am thinking of framing out around it to make it look like a piece of art on the wall.  I will probably make my own version of a mobile and something to hold those little hair bows that will be a necessity.  A dainty chandelier of some sort is also on the list of must haves.  So this was the general idea until one day I happened to see something in my blog reader from Project Nursery's blog about a giveaway for a bedding set from Carousel Designs.  I headed over to their site to check out their bedding and well I sort of fell in love.  I entered the contest as many times as I could, but it was a pretty popular giveaway with thousands of entries so, of course, I didn't win.  However, the bedding set wasn't too much more than the other set I had liked so it quickly took the top place spot on our nursery list.  It is just the perfect shades of aqua and pink and very dainty and feminine and elegant.  The set also has lots of matching accessories available.  We won't need to add anything in the way of furniture this time so the change over to a girl nursery should be pretty easy, but I think it will still feel like a totally different room.

Here is the current plan for the space:

 photo babyroom2_zpsd8311fab.jpg

*Side Note:  I am sure bunnies will make their way into the decor and accessories as soon as I have a chance to break out my old box of bunny goodness that has been in storage too long.  ;-)

Oh and if any of you wonderful people would like to send a gift to the little princess, I found a wonderful new way of "registering."  Instead of the old school way of registering at a select store (and what store has everything you need and want anyway...haha!), there is a new trend using a site that works a lot like Pinterest.  You can "pin" stuff from any other website (Target, Babies R Us, Etsy, etc.) onto your Babylist and everything is all in one place.  It is mostly a good place for planning for OCD minds like mine.  Ha!  Here is the link to our Babylist!  Happy shopping!  Haha!



  1. Oh, what a sweet nursery Mattie is going to have. I love everything you've registered for. I want to order two of it all -- one for Mattie and one for Rachel :)

    1. PS. I noticed Mattie has a middle initial. Have you shared her middle name and I missed it or are you waiting until she is born to tell us?!?!?

    2. Haha! Yes, she has a middle name, and no, it isn't really a secret, but it just doesn't have a "legacy" behind it like the first name so I didn't feel it deserved its own post. I gave Evan and Brody both a family inspired name and then a name that was all their own. Evan's first name is James like his daddy's and lots of grandfathers, and Brody's middle name is Rowen which is like his grandmother's name (Rowena). I wanted to do the same for Mattie. I have always liked the name Claire, and I thought it went well with Mattie and kind of "modernized" it a little. :-) I thought about Carol after my Mom, but I just didn't think it went as well with Mattie.

    3. And no, I am not wanting more than one car seat cover...I just haven't decided which one to get yet. Our infant seat cover has been through two kids and seen better days so it needs "pimping." Ha!

  2. That is so cute! I had a friend do her nursery in the same decor. It turned out really pretty!

    1. Thanks, Tracy! Did she use the same bedding or something similar? I'd love to see how she did it. :-)

  3. I love your colors! Harper's chandelier is very similar- and I am in the market for a second bow holder now because the first one is too full!!! I have the Big Brother book your registered for and would LOVE to pass it along to your boys if you want!!

    1. Thanks, Carrie! I was going to get the chandelier from IKEA, but I found the second one on Amazon cheaper. I need one that can plug in to an outlet because we don't have ceiling fixtures installed in the spare bedrooms of this house. The outlets are wired to the light switches.

  4. I love it. It is going to look so sweet once it is all put together. And you're right, with what you have and what you're going to do you really don't have to change much. You know what crazy thing I want to do? I want to put a little crystal chandelier in my closet. Is that ridiculous? We'll be in the chandelier market together!

    That is a really cool idea for the registry. I will have to go check it out. Seems like a good idea for birthdays and holidays too.

    1. A chandelier in the closet...haha! Well, I guess you have to make your little space wherever you can get it. Is your closet like a big dressing room? I think it sounds perfectly reasonable. The chandelier in the first mood board was from IKEA, but I found the second one cheaper on Amazon (I know you like both places). ;-)


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