Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Random Moments Making Me A Proud Mama

I am always amazed by my boys.  Really, kids have always amazed me with how quickly they can learn and retain knowledge.  I used to teach children at church and was always so surprised by how much the kids would learn and remember.  Evan's intelligence has always amazed me as he learned to communicate effectively at a very early age and has just always had such an easy time learning new things like his alphabet, numbers, loads of facts about subjects like dinosaurs and space, and now reading.  His profound thoughts have never ceased to surprise and amaze us.  This week, he came home telling us all about George Washington and what a great president he was.  His sweet and caring personality just always makes us smile.  His advanced sense of humor keeps us laughing.  Brody really does amaze us too.  He likes to surprise us.  He doesn't like to just do things because we ask him to.  He likes to do things when we aren't expecting them like giving and blowing kisses, waving bye, and remaining very quiet and not talkative and then just suddenly surprising us with an unusual word used at an appropriate time that we've never heard him use before.  Tonight, both boys were in a mood to surprise and amaze me.  I met the boys for dinner tonight (my night off from school) at one of the restaurants we frequent often.  Brody and Evan eat well here and usually both get shrimp and fruit.  When we arrived, I needed to use the restroom since I hadn't been home yet.  I took Brody and Evan with me so they could wash their hands.  Brody went into the stall with me so I was trying to use the bathroom while making sure he didn't touch anything.  Before I could stop him, he said a word that sounded exactly like "flush" and then quickly reached out and flushed the potty.  This boy just loves flushing...hoping that means he'll be very interested in potty training.  Ha!  But seriously, the child hardly talks and then he says a word like "flush."  I just think that is so weird.  He is definitely unique, but he keeps showing us that he is paying attention and knows a lot more than he lets on.  He likes to flip our light switches and turn the lights on and off at home, and the other day while doing it, he said "off."  Last night, when Daddy was home alone with the boys, Evan was doing his nightly reading ritual.  He had picked out one of his books to read but apparently Brody didn't approve.  He kept hitting the book and trying to get Evan to stop reading.  Then, he climbed off the bed and went to Evan's room and came back with a book of his own.  He got back on the bed and started looking at the pages and pointing.  Whenever Evan would try to continue reading his book, Brody would gesture and point at his own book.  He had chosen that beloved Dr. Seuss book "Hop on Pop" and finally Evan read that one to him.  Brody was happy.  Tonight, I got to listen to Evan read the book to Brody.  Brody just laid there so sweetly next to his big brother listening to him reading.  It melted my heart!  Evan is doing such a great job with his reading too.  I just can't believe the progress he has made since the beginning of the year.  Anyway, I just needed to write down a few of these little things the kids have been doing these last few days so I wouldn't forget them.  Plus, I know one day I may need to use their intelligence when I am too old to learn new things.  Haha! - Glad I could show you how to turn your computer on, Mom

UPDATE THIS MORNING:  I just have to add one more amazing thing to the list.  Brody never ceases to amaze me with his surprise kisses.  This morning, he and I were doing our morning cuddling before I have to get up and get ready for work.  I was lying there and closed my eyes like I was going back to sleep, and the next thing I know, I feel the softest little kiss on my lips. Oh that boy knows how to steal his mommy's heart! When I opened my eyes, his smiling face was right there, and he gave me another one.  I love you to the moon and back, little man!



  1. Awwww!!! I love those moments of kids surprising me but also those tender sibling moments. Definitely well worth recording. And once again, I am just amazed at the similarities between Brody and Rachel. They both know their own mind. Ha!

    1. Oh yes, I think we do have two headstrong little ones! Haha!

  2. Sweet! I too am amazed at how smart children are... Our Kea surprises us daily. Not sure where he gets some of the things or how he retains the info he learns.

    1. Their memories are just younger and fresher I guess. I figured our memories are quickly getting all used up so we have to be more picky about what we choose to retain these days. Haha!

  3. You should so link this up with Emmy Mom's Proud Mommy Moments ( but obviously only if you want :). I loved the cartoon you chose to go with this post too!!


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