Friday, February 22, 2013

SUYL: How We Do Family Pictures

When I saw my blog friend, Natasha, do a post for this Show Us Your Life link up with Kelly, I just knew I had to share some of our favorite family photography.  We have done a few special professional photography sessions with a photographer we love in our area, but mostly, we prefer to do our own family photography.  We can choose the perfect moments to capture when our children are "at their best."  If you are a parent, you know exactly what I mean!  Here are some of our favorites:


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The first professional family picture when Evan was about 3 months old. 

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Our second professional family photography after moving to Charlotte when Evan was about 6 months old.  Hard to tell in this one that he is a lot older.  I should scan in more of these beautiful photos because this one does not do them justice.  We got a whole book of pictures of Evan and did the same for Brody.

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Our family portrait as a family of 4. 

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New baby family picture with Brody ~ 2011

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A shot of us at my Dad's church.  I think it was for Memorial Day.


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Easter 2009 ~ We always always take family pictures at Easter.  It is my favorite holiday!
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Easter 2010

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Easter 2011
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Easter 2012

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2009 - Beach Photography is another favorite of ours.  
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Beach 2010

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Beach 2010

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Beach 2011
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Beach 2012



  1. I'm hopping over from Kelly's blog. I follow Natasha's too! Great pictures. We are going to the beach this summer and your poses gave me some ideas. Have a great weeekend!

    1. Great, Tracy! I am glad I could "inspire" you a little. Natasha is a great blog friend! Hope it isn't a rainy weekend where you are like it is here, but we are just taking it easy and relaxing around the house!

  2. I LOVE that Beach 2010 picture. And I can't wait (!!!) to see Beach 2013 with little Mattie -- if you're planning a beach trip with her already :)

    These are beautiful photos Sherry.

    1. Oh yes, Beach 2013 is actually already booked for August...early booking discount! Definitely something to look forward to! :-)

  3. Thanks for stopping by Sherry! Your boys are precious...and congratulations on your first baby girl! :-)

    1. Thank you so much, Rebecca! Hope you are enjoying your rainy weekend here in the Queen City! :-)

  4. I love the pictures with the boys dressed alike (even Daddy)! I can't wait to start shopping for matching outfits :)

  5. Yes, dressing them up alike is fun. Daddy enjoys it the most I think. They usually "coordinate" more than being perfectly matched. Eddie will often try to coordinate his and the kids' outfits for church and the like based on what I'm wearing. He's silly!

  6. Such cute pics!! Love the beach and Easter ones! We are going to the beach in April and I'm hoping J and I get some of us :)

  7. Awe love it! It's sooo fun to look at these!


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