Tuesday, February 19, 2013

21 & 22 Weeks

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Monday, February 11, 2013
 photo 22weeks_zps280c81de.jpg
Monday, February 18, 2013

Time is ticking by and two more weeks have brought us closer to meeting this little one.  I have been busy making many baby decisions, but I just don't want to go and buy the big stuff like bedding yet.  I don't need a lot of "essentials" this time so I can concentrate on the gender stuff.  I am thinking of waiting until after we get a 3D/4D ultrasound to just double check that the gender is correct.  I am pretty confident, but I just want that extra assurance before I go and buy a bunch of girl stuff.  I am having fun planning for now.  Physically, I don't think too much has changed although I think she is higher now, and my belly seems to be out more everyday.  I guess that is the joys of being short.  Ha!

Weight Gain:  Ugh, don't even ask!  I still might remove this one.  I don't even want to remember how much I gain at this point.  I guess it is maybe between 5 and 10 pounds, but I just hate seeing those numbers on the scale that are the heaviest I have ever been thanks to pregnancy and law school.  *Sigh*  

Maternity Clothes:  Still the same.  Yep, I'm wearing plenty of those.  I have some pants with the stretchy waistbands that still work well as I'm not quite ready for the belly jeans yet.  I can still wear some loose fitting non-maternity shirts and dresses if they are long enough.  I still haven't purchased anything new to wear yet, but the closet is getting a lot more limited.  

Sleep: Still pretty good.  I wake up occasionally to change sides as my hips and back start hurting, but I've had those issues since Brody.  Ha!  I am using a lot of pillows now (one for my head, one under my hip, and one between my knees.  I should probably invest in a body pillow but this works. 

Best Moment of this week: Just spending time with the boys doing fun stuff and playing in the snow. 

Movement:  I can definitely feel those flutters now.  No hard punches or kicks yet although I think she is getting stronger. 

Food cravings:  Still haven't gotten any Pinkberry frozen yogurt lately, but I was loving some snow cream this weekend!

Food Aversions: Nothing really although I have been trying to stay away from heartburn inducing food which is hard because everything seems to give me heartburn.  Ha!

What I miss:  Free time.  School is definitely in full swing, and I am just not loving it.  I am just so ready to be done.  

Gender:  Sweet baby girl to join a house full of boys!

Symptoms: Heartburn and back and hip pain are the primary symptoms so far.  I do still experience the occasional nausea brought on mostly by not eating soon enough or gagging.  Seriously, I have a terrible gag reflex!

What I'm looking forward to:  Being done with school so I can enjoy more time with my babies!  I am really missing them lately! 



  1. Oh weight is just a number, at least you have something to blame it on... mine is poor eating!

    1. Oh, I definitely do plenty of the poor eating, and the not having time to exercise is a big factor too. Hopefully, that will change later this year! :-)

  2. Looking good!!! I'm so excited for you to have a little girl. They are so fun! AND I'm always amazed how you do all that you do! So close to the school finish line!

    1. Ha! Trust me, I don't do it all that well. I am just glad it is almost over.

  3. You look amazing! And I love the picture of you holding the pink stuffed animal. So adorable!

    And I agree with Nicole -- the weight is just a number and you're gaining it for something good!

    1. That is the pink bunny silky that Brody has been trying to get his hands on. It came in a two pack with a white teddy bear one that we gave to him. I guess he can't have too many silkies. Ha! Well, I am not really worried about the weight gain from pregnancy...more depressed about what I already had on me. But I know I'll have more time to work it all off later. :-)

  4. You look absolutely adorable!! You speak of weight gain...girl, you look fantastic! :)

    My son worked at Pinkberry this summer and we frequented the joint. :)

    Happy growing my friend.

    1. Awww, thank you, but pictures can be deceiving. Haha! Really though, it isn't the belly that is bad...it is just the extra weight that isn't baby. We can work on that later though. Isn't Pinkberry the best? I absolutely love the salted caramel flavor, but they never keep it long enough. The chocolate hazelnut was very good too.

  5. You are too cute!! SO glad you guys got the snow and not us.... well we did get some if you count it almost covering the ground and 15 minutes later it was GONE!!!
    Enjoy those babies!

    1. Awww, thanks so much, Piper! I am so excited for your grandson to have a little brother. I am telling you the relationship between brothers has got to be the best in the world. I don't think it is the same with sisters...girls seem to fight too much for attention. :-)

      I wish the snow had stayed around a little longer, but it was nice to just have a little.


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