Sunday, June 14, 2009

Evan's 1st Trip to the Zoo!

In the Fall of 2007, Sherry and Evan went with Uncle Paul, Aunt Jessica, and their kids, Emma and Lanny, to the NC Zoo. It is a really beautiful zoo with large natural habitats for the animals! The African exhibit is the best since it is on a large tract of land that the elephants and rhinos can roam free in. You may not be able to get as close to the animals as in some of the zoos that keep the animals in cages, but it does seem more humane to the animals, don't you think? The Fall is also a great time to visit the zoo because the area around the zoo in Asheboro, NC is beautiful when all the leaves are changing colors. The area has the beautiful rolling hills of the foothills with lots of tree coverage. Evan was too young to remember his first trip to the zoo, but Sherry took some great pictures to remind him! We plan to repeat this trip very often as he grows up! It is a very convenient drive from Charlotte!

Here are some of the pictures of Evan's first trip to the zoo:

This chimpanzee really seemed to interact with Evan! There was glass between them though!

Emma and the chimpanzee actually touched hands through the glass! What a moment!

Emma and her little chimp friend!

These baboons really put on a show for us! We couldn't tell whether they were fighting or just playing! They would continuously knock each other off this rock!

Evan and the elephants! What a beautiful habitat! I think I would be happy here if I was an elephant!

Mommy & Evan pose for a picture!

This is one of my favorite pictures of Emma since it really shows off her beautiful "baby blue" eyes!

Mommy and Evan loved the giraffes! They are Mommy's favorite animals because they are tall and graceful...everything Mommy is not!


Apparently lions sleep alot! Hence the song, "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"!

A picture of Lanny and his Daddy...we just can't get Lanny to give up that "abba"!

The monkeys really seemed to bond with Emma. This one seemed sad to say goodbye!

This gorilla definitely seemed sad to say goodbye to Evan!

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