Saturday, June 13, 2009

Evan's 1st Thanksgiving!

For Evan's first Thanksgiving, we kept our tradition of having lunch with Eddie's family in Rockingham, NC. This year, his Aunt Dava hosted the family get together! Eddie has a wonderful family that is very close and still gets together for all the holidays! I love it!

Of course, Evan got his first taste of mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce...the traditional Thanksgiving feast! After this feast, he really didn't care for baby food anymore...not that he ever did! :o)

Eddie's cousin, Shannon, and her husband had a little girl just a few weeks after Evan was born so Evan has a little cousin to play with in Daddy's family!

Here are some pictures of Evan playing with his cousin Lilly:

So cute sharing toys!

They're both sitting up!

They seemed to like each other's toys!

Sweet Lilly!

They got tired! I love this shot of them both laying down with their feet up in the air!

During the weekend following Thanksgiving, we visited with Sherry's parents, and Evan started crawling! Man, we are in for it now!

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