Sunday, June 21, 2009

Evan's 12th Month ~ Milestones!

During the last year, Evan had passed so many milestones. He wasn't quite ready to let go and walk on his own, but he was very mobile, and his communication skills were way above normal.  He was becoming more and more independent every day, and we enjoyed watching him explore the world around him. We were also looking forward to celebrating all of these milestones with a big 1st birthday celebration!

Here are some cute pictures we took this month:

This was taken on Evan's 11 month birthday!

He loves me!

This was still Evan's primary means of transportation! He loved to chase Jingles and try to pet him!

Mommy and Evan had so much fun together!

Caught in the act!

He was such a happy little toddler!

Falling asleep on Mommy and Daddy's bed! Yes, he does this a lot, and we don't mind at all!

Spaghetti face!

Evan was becoming a very good eater. Mommy worked very hard to get him to eat a very balanced diet with plenty of protein, fruit, and veggies. We started him out eating Gerber Graduates meals and then transitioned him to our food.

Meal times were some of our favorite times!

Giddy up, Lion!

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