Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Evan's 2nd Easter ~ 2008

I really believe Easter is my (Sherry's) favorite holiday. I love the Spring and all the pretty pastel colored eggs, the beautiful flowers, the candy, the pretty Easter clothes, and the soft, cuddly Easter bunnies. I have always loved bunnies and even collected them when I was younger. I have a pretty fantastic collection and am just waiting for a little girl to pass them on to. If I don't ever get one, I guess they will be passed on to my niece, Emma.

This Easter was the most exciting one we had ever experienced. I got to take Evan down to his Grandma's church for a fantastic day of egg dyeing and hunting. It was pretty amazing, but we were sad that Eddie could not be with us. He had to stay in Charlotte because he was on-call for fire dangers. Oh the price of being a forester! (sigh)

Evan was so cute carrying his Easter basket and picking up eggs that he found. He grasped the concept really well for a toddler of not quite one! In case you haven't realized, Evan's first year was a little unusual in that he had two Easters. When he was born at the end of March 2007, Easter was just a couple of weeks later, but in 2008, Easter fell very early in March on the Sunday before Evan's birthday. Pretty neat, huh?

Here are some pictures of Evan's 1st Easter egg hunt:

Grandma was so happy to see her boy for Easter! He thought he was so cool in his shades!

Evan's first marshmallow egg! Lots of firsts this year!

Grandma and Evan are ready to find some eggs!

A sweet picture of Evan with his Grandma!

Had to get one picture of me and Evan. Thanks, Aunt Naomi!

The weather in the South is so crazy! The Saturday before Easter was actually hot, but Easter Sunday was breezy and cool! We were actually hot here after hunting eggs!

Nope, we don't know who had more fun hunting for eggs...Evan or Grandma!

"I got one, Grandma!"

"Here's another one!"

"I think there's one in here somewhere!"

Aunt Naomi gave Evan an awesome Easter basket! It was running over with goodies!

Evan finally learns how to play with cars!

Evan finds his Great-Great-Great Grandfather's grave! I just thought this was a neat photo!

Yummy! His first Peep!

Easter Portrait Session

Eddie and I started a tradition of taking our own pictures with Evan for Easter. We wanted to choose a beautiful outdoor setting with some beautiful Spring colors. Since this Easter fell so early in the year, the Spring colors were still pretty scarce so we had to settle on a bright yellow ornamental bush at one of the many parks in Charlotte.






"See Daddy, I can pick up my Easter basket. See how strong I am!"



So sweet touching Mommy's face! He looked like he loved her, didn't he?

Almost walking on his own! He just wouldn't let go of that finger!



So tired after a long day at church and taking pictures afterwards!

He woke up so happy! This is a better picture of his Easter outfit! Since his birthday and Easter were only a week apart, I decided to get two outfits in one! This is actually a reversible outfit...Bailey Boys is the best for special occasion and reversible outfits! I thought the Humpty Dumpty side went great with Easter...you know, since Humpty is an egg and all! The other side is solid light blue with an applique of a bunch of cute, cuddly animals in soft colors!

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