Sunday, May 24, 2009

Evan is born! ~ March 27, 2007

Well, it had been a long wait, but the time was almost here. I went to my 40 week checkup on Wednesday, March 21, 2007, but sadly, I had not dilated more than an inch and was only about 50% effaced. This guy did not want to come out! We decided to be patient and wait a few more days, but I was concerned about waiting too long and the baby not getting enough nourishment due to the aging umbilical cord or other risks of a post-term baby. The certified mid-wife at my obstetrician's office who would be delivering my baby if he came naturally said that she would call me on Friday, March 23rd if we could schedule an induction on Monday, March 26th. She called Friday so we had a very anxious weekend. My mom came up to stay with us for a week or so after the birth, and she helped me prepare some meals to eat after I came home with the new baby. On Monday morning, Eddie and I awoke early after a restless night due to the anxiety of becoming parents and the discomfort of my situation. We arrived at Chesapeake General Hospital in Chesapeake, Virginia at 8:00 a.m. and were checked into a comfortable birthing room on the labor and delivery floor. We did not know how long we would have to wait in this room! By 10:00 a.m., they were ready to start Pitocin after checking me and determining that I was still barely dilated. We sat all day watching the monitor of our baby's heart rate and, of course, getting a little scared every time the heart rate seemed to go down a little. I really did not feel the "contractions" brought on by the Pitocin, but I knew from the monitor that the baby was feeling them! At 8:00 p.m., the Pitocin was abandoned as not helping, and I had to be slowly weaned off the medicine. By 8:00 or so the next morning, I was determined to be ready for a different labor-inducing medication, Cervidil, that would hopefully help me dilate. Cervidil is given in a little different way if you know what I mean. We don't know if it was the Cervidil that worked or if the Pitocin-contractions of the previous day were of any help, but labor began very shortly after the Cervidil was given. By lunch time, I was feeling the contractions pretty strongly and was about 8 cm. dilated. I opted to go ahead and have the drugs! They worked great, and I really felt very little pain. At about 1:00 p.m., my nurse told me that I could probably rest for a little while since I was still only about 8 cm. dilated, and she left me alone. After only 15 mins. or so, I was forced to call her back because I was feeling that very strong urge to push something out! She came back in and checked me and determined that I was 10 cm! Yay, I may not have to have that dreaded C-section after all! My nurse called the mid-wife, Judy, and she arrived shortly. She was great at gently preparing me for the delivery and her gentle ministrations kept me from "tearing" except just a little bit. She was the first to inform me that Evan had the most beautiful copper-red hair! At exactly 2:31 p.m. on Tuesday, March 27th, Evan arrived into our world! He was placed on his mommy's chest while he was wiped off. He was small and perfect! His Daddy, Nana, and Aunt Jessica were also there to witness his miraculous arrival. He was weighed at 6 lbs. 4 oz., which was significantly more than his mommy weighed at her own birth. Due to a little hesitancy to breathe on his own, he was taken to the intensive care nursery to be checked out. His Daddy got to watch as he was given his first bath and pronounced to be perfectly healthy. We think the breathing trouble was probably due to the prolonged drug-induced contractions that tired him out. When he finally made it back to his Mommy's arms, he was welcomed by her with lots of cuddles and kisses and was welcomed by his Daddy, Nana, Papa, Grandma, Papa James, Uncle Paul, Aunt Jessica, cousins Emma and Lanny, and friends, Brinn and Ayden. 

Here are some pictures of our miraculous event and our little miracle:

Mommy anxiously awaits Evan's arrival.

Daddy was so sweet to Mommy during the whole process.  She mostly remembers being cold and having chills from the epidural.

Here he is!

Evan weighs in at 6 lbs. 4 oz.! "Let them be little!"

 Evan gets checked out.  He's healthy, small and perfect!

 Looks like Daddy! 

Evan's first bath. Do you think he liked it?

 He didn't seem to mind the water so much.

 Evan comes back to Mommy clean and warm!

 Right where he belongs!

A sweet Mommy & me picture!

 The First Kiss!

Eskimo Kiss! 

 Evan meets Daddy!

Daddy & his boy

Evan meets Papa.

Oh, how Nana loved this!

Evan meets Uncle Paul.

Evan meets Aunt Jessica.

Kisses from Cousin Emma.

So sweet!

Evan meets Grandma.

Evan meets Papa James.

The most beautiful face!

Whoa, what a mouth!

Our Beautiful Baby Boy!

 Precious feet! God bless them!

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