Sunday, May 24, 2009

Evan's 1st month - Welcome Home!

Evan roomed-in with Mommy (& Daddy) for his two nights in the hospital. Breast feeding got off to a good start, and Sherry was feeling more comfortable in her new role every minute. Evan only left Mommy for tests that had to be done, his circumcision (scary stuff!), and his first pictures. He looked so cute in his little outfit. Mommy chose a beautiful tiny white newborn "Take Me Home" outfit for his pictures and used one of his beautiful new "baby blue" blankets to put under him. His little outfit was so small, but it still swallowed him. It had adorable soft brown teddy bears embroidered on the front.

Here are some of Evan's first pictures:


After staying in the hospital 3 nights, Eddie and I were definitely ready to go home, but we were a little nervous about being left to care for a newborn baby on our own. Were we ready? Were we good enough? Probably not, but we just hoped and prayed that God knew what he was doing!

After being officially released from the hospital after 2:31 p.m. (apparently it is a Virginia law that newborns have to stay in the hospital at least 48 hours after birth), we left the hospital on Thursday, March 29, 2007 and headed down Hwy. 17 South to our little house in Hertford, NC. The day was beautiful, and we enjoyed our first "outing." Upon arriving home, we were welcomed by the cute stork sign that our family had picked up and set out in our yard. We had carefully strapped Evan into his brand new car seat and felt that he was as safe and secure as he could be on this drive, but Mommy rode in the backseat with him to make sure he stayed comfortable. We carried his carrier into the house, and his Nana greeted and welcomed him home. That first night, some local friends of ours (Jerry, Georgia, Christin, Thomas & Elizabeth Perry) brought us pizza, and Georgia definitely did not mind holding Evan so we could eat our meal. They were so sweet, and we miss them tremendously since moving away!

Here are a few pictures of Evan's trip home:


We had so much fun adjusting to life with a new baby. He was doing great! We spent the weekend settling in to the new routine of feeding him every 2 and a half hours.  At night, he woke up to eat, fed easily, and went back to sleep. Mommy's milk had come in, and he was loving it! We made a few discoveries about baby boys during this time: they will pee and poop on you at every diaper change; beware of projectile poop, pee and spit up! His Nana got peed, pooped and threw up on during these early days.

On the following Monday when he was six days old, we took him to the doctor for his first check up. He had gained a total of 8 oz. since leaving the hospital. He had lost 4 oz. in the hospital from his birth weight, but he gained those 4 oz. back plus another 4 oz.

Eddie was going to go back to work the next week after my mom left us, but his mom was coming up to stay for another week so Mommy had not had to have Evan all to herself yet. His Aunt Naomi finally got to come up with Grandma to meet him.

Several other friends from Eddie's work and our church brought meals, including: Buddy, Cindy & Sarah Grasty and Aaron, Liz & Dalton Gay. We miss all of our friends in the Elizabeth City area.

Here are some more pictures of Evan's first days:

Special Daddy Time

Special Mommy Time

Nothing compares to this feeling!

A Family Picture

Baby Burrito ~ everyone should have a picture like this!

Nap Time

Big Yawn!

Playing in his favorite seat

Talking with Mommy

Meeting Aunt Naomi

Ready for his first Sunday at church

Daddy and Evan matched for his first trip to church.

Paci Baby

So cute!

Daddy's Boy

Looks like Daddy too!

Diaper change time. Evan loved playing on his changing table!

Mommy made Evan this memorable onesie after the tragedy of the Virginia Tech shooting that happened in April, 2007. We will not forget those kids who lost their lives that day!

Sweet Profile

Evan in a cute outfit from Aunt Naomi.

Sleeping babies are so sweet!

Evan's First Bath ~ He loved it!

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