Monday, September 30, 2013

Mattie Claire ~ 3 Months


You would be 3 months old today.  We can't believe it has already been 3 months since you silently entered the world.  My heart aches daily when I think of you and when I gaze at your picture.

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It is an ache that I welcome though because the alternative is unthinkable to me.  The only thing worse than the pain of remembering you is the loneliness of forgetting you.  You are a part of me, and you always will be.

If you were here with us today, you may look like your big brother Evan:

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or you may look like your big brother Brody:

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You would likely be the happiest of little babies just like your brothers both were at this age, and we would be enjoying the sounds of your happy giggles as we blew raspberries on your tummy and made funny faces at you to get you to laugh.  You may be able to hold your head up when having tummy time, and you may even be able to roll over.  We wonder what song you would have liked to be sung when going to sleep.  Twinkle Twinkle like Brody?  The gentle humming of Brahms's Lullaby like Evan?  Would you have figured out how to splash us in the tub?  Would you love wearing your hair bows or would you pull them out?  What toys would you like to play with?  Your silky blankies, your rattles, your bouncer seat toys, or your play mat toys?  We miss you so much and wish we could know what you would be like.  We know you would look so cute and pretty in your little outfits.

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I think you would have looked beautiful in this little outfit this month. 

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I was definitely looking forward to your wearing this outfit from our favorite store, Janie & Jack. 

Although you may not be here growing and changing before our eyes, I have actually been so happy to watch your plants grow.  We received several big arrangements from family and friends at your funeral, and I wanted to keep them alive as long as possible for your sake.  I am not a gardener, but since there has been plenty of rain this summer, the plants have thrived.  I just don't know how to keep them through the winter months.

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We put these plants in planters on the front porch, and they make me smile when I pull into the driveway and see them. 

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Your beautiful lilies. 

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This is a beautiful reminder that makes me think of you. 

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I love you, my beautiful baby girl!  We hope you are laughing and playing and enjoying your life in our heavenly home.

Love always,

Your Mommy

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  1. The framed Mattie picture is so beautiful! I can only imagine how much you miss her. Praying for you sweet friend!

  2. Hi Sherry,

    This is Ash from Kelly's Korner blog. It's nice to 'meet' you :). This was a heartbreaking post and all I can say is I'm so very sorry for your loss. I can't even begin to imagine the pain you and your family went/are going through. Wishing you much peace and healing!


  3. I love the framed picture of her Sherry. I am praying for you every day still. I can't imagine how much you miss her. Thank you for continuing to share her outfits with us and what you imagine she might be doing if she were here with you.

    On another note, you should be able to keep those plants alive indoors this winter. I've had an indoor peace lily for over a year now and, to me, the other pot looks like indoor plants as well. Just bring them inside, put them near a window and keep them watered.

  4. Every day that goes by there is a hole in my heart where she is. I remember her when I leave for work looking at her picture imagining how she would be, I remember her when I come home to the boys and miss her here. I love her and she will never be forgotten. My sweet precious baby girl. My Daddy's Girl!


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