Friday, May 24, 2013

How Can We Celebrate our 10 Year Anniversary and New Baby?

I am racking my brain here for something special I can do for my husband as June 21st marks our 10 year anniversary and our baby girl is due to arrive on June 24th.  I would love to take a trip together, but alas, that will have to wait a while.  With new baby on the way and me starting maternity leave, we are definitely on a budget, and I am not going to be up to traveling.  After the last four exhausting years, I do feel we both need to enjoy this special time together.  I am seeking any advice, tips, suggestions, etc. on how we can celebrate this special occasion.  Thanks a bunch, blog pals!

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  1. Have an overnight date night in your town! That way you are still close to the doctor in case something were to happen! Rent a hotel just for the two of you and explore the city!

    1. Yes, that is the top idea on my list, but I'd really like to do it in Charleston. Think that's too far away?

    2. If it were me I would go more than an hour away for an overnight that close to your due date. According to Google Maps, that's over three hours away.

  2. We were in the exact same spot 2 years ago. I had Gestational Dibetes, so we couldn't even go any where fun for dinner. We really didn't do anything...sad, huh? I'm with Annabelle. I'd do an overnight in your town. With Mattie being your third baby, she might come pretty quickly. I'd want to be close by.

  3. I would go for an overnight in your city and find some new things to do. Or special things to do which you wouldn't otherwise, either because they're not kid friendly or they're more expensive.

    This year Dave and I are celebrating five years. We're going back to the hotel where we spent our wedding night (leaving Rachel overnight for the first time ever!!!) and having supper at a place which purports to serve "Southern Barbecue!" Then the next day we're going out for an afternoon tea which is a little more than we would normally pay. All these things are happening within a twenty minute drive of our house. If you scout around you will find some great, and celebratory, things to do.

  4. I have no idea. I was supposed to be full term the day before our 10th anniversary. We ended up taking 2 week old Elliott to dinner with us. And that was it. We have pretty big plans for our 15th though. Ha!

    1. Yes, I think it is even more twinsie that we both expected babies right around our 10th anniversary. I have researched a couple of options in the city, but I am afraid to make reservations because we just don't know what will happen or how I'll feel. I found a neat dinner cruise on our large lake that I thought could be fun and romantic, but is that really smart at 40 weeks prego? Haha! We might be waiting until after baby arrives and taking her with us on a date, but we'll see. I don't expect to go anytime soon or anytime on my own anyway. *Sigh*


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