Sunday, May 26, 2013

Celebrating Mother's Day

I am finally getting this post up a couple of weeks late but better late than never.  Since Mother's Day was the day after my graduation, it was a pretty busy weekend, but Mother's Day is definitely a special day for this mommy.  I don't take this blessed job for granted, and I know I am truly blessed to be these boys' and little girl's mommy.  My boys have always made me feel so loved, and Mother's Day is just always an extra special day to spend with them.  This year, we were able to spend the day with both of our mothers too since they were up here for my graduation.  After church, we took the grandparents out to eat lunch at Outback, and then, Mommy wanted to go over to take a few graduation pictures at her school.  We got some sweet pictures of me and the boys for Mother's Day too and then went home to enjoy a little fun time in the backyard.  The weather was nice so Brody finally got to try out his new water table, and yes, Evan enjoyed it as much as he did.

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Mommy with her sweet boys, and Mattie is in the picture too. 

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Sweet baby kisses. 

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Brody was in a very happy mood. 

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Laughing with mommy.

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Trying to get a picture of both boys kissing mommy.

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Evan cooperated for a picture with Nana and Papa.

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And some shots of our big boy by himself with his big city  behind him.

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He's looking so big these days. 

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They both loved playing on this fun bike rack. 

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What a cool tunnel!

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Climbing is definitely one of his favorite activities lately. 

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And water play is always a favorite. 

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Trying out the new water table was a big hit with both of them. 

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Lots of splashing. 

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Cute water baby.

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It was a good day for all!

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May I never take any of these precious days for granted!  
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  1. What a great day! I LOVE the picture of Evan with the city in the background. That's a framer. =)

  2. I love a sweet toddler in a diaper playing at the water table. We'll be having some of those days around here soon!

    And I love the pictures of you and your adorable children!

  3. Beautiful pictures. I love the boys in pink and the beautiful blue sky i the background. It'll be so fun for you to do comparison shots next year with Mattie!


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