Saturday, May 11, 2013

Graduation Day!

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Well, here we are!  After a four year journey, we have arrived at this day.  Mommy's graduation.  The kids will hopefully just see this day as the start of having their mommy back on a more regular schedule.  There are still other hurdles to cross before we know what else this will mean to our family, but for now, having more time with my family is where I will focus.  Monday night was my last final exam, and the rest of the week has still been pretty busy so I guess being finished still hasn't sunk in.  It has been 14 years since my high school graduation and 10 years since my undergraduate graduation so it is safe to say I am in a different place than I was back then.  At my high school graduation, I was just ready to begin the track to adulthood and freedom to spread my wings in my new found independence as I lived away from home for the first time in my life.  At my college graduation, I was ready to marry my sweetheart and begin our new life together shortly thereafter.  I thought at that time I was prepared for the real world.  Man, did I have a lot to learn?  Do I feel that way now?  Are we ever really "prepared" for the real world?  Just when we think  we are, something happens to turn it all upside down.  Unexpected bills, loss, world issues, children happen, and we are finding ourselves figuring things out all over again.  Life is a journey, and everyday is just a stepping stone.  We can't stand still and just let life pass us by.  This four years may be over, but life still awaits.  The journey still continues.  Can't wait to see what the next four or forty years will bring us!

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  1. CONGRATULATIONS SHERRY!!! I'm jumping up and down with excitement with you! I so thrilled for you. This is both the end of years of hard work and the beginning of another journey. Enjoy today! You so totally deserve it :)

    1. Thank you, Natasha! It was such a crazy weekend, but it was a good celebration with family. :-)

  2. Congrats on graduating! What an amazing accomplishment! May God guide to the next journey :)

    1. Thank you, Lauren! Yes, I need His guidance!

  3. Congrats!!! That is so awesome! And I just realized, we graduated high school the same year. =)

  4. Diana Stoker BeasonMay 11, 2013 at 4:28 PM

    As the tears are streaming down my cheeks while reading your Graduation blog, you are absolutely amazing. God is awesome and so very thankful that He has and always will be by your side. You are a beautiful person! With God walking with you in the stepping stones of life, it will be a wonderful journey. I am so proud of you Sherry. I salute you in the degree that you have earned. With God all things are possible. Congratulations!

    1. Thank you, Mrs. Diana (or should I say second mama?)! Your love and encouragement mean so much! We should celebrate together with a trip to the beach! :-)

  5. Congratulations! What a beautiful post you have written. I know that everyone (myself included!) is so proud of you.

    Have we never discussed how we are exactly a year apart in age but I was two years ahead of you in school? I graduated 16 years ago.

    1. Haha, maybe we have! Yes, I am like Spencer will be. I am glad I was 18 when I graduated high school. My brother did the earlier track and graduated at 17 and always felt like the baby of his class having to wait to drive and do other things.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, Nicole! Life continues as I sit here at work. ;-)

  7. CONGRATULATIONS!!! And here's to a schedule that gives you more time with your family!


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