Sunday, November 11, 2012

Evan's 1st School Awards Ceremony

Evan's school has an award's ceremony every quarter before report cards go out.  Last week, we attended the first one for Evan, and he was awarded two ribbons and honored by seeing his picture up on the big screen for a little accomplishment they call "getting caught with character."  For kindergartners, this usually means his teacher caught them doing something nice for her or another student by helping, showing respect, or listening.  He has been honored with the award quite a few times in the past couple months.  It was extra sweet that his picture was up on the big screen.  His report card was very good, and I was thankful I had met his teacher previously to discuss how to view it.  She informed me that she and the other kindergarten teachers do not give the highest grade (4) in the first quarter because all the kindergartners are still getting their feet wet and learning what is expected of them so no one is really "above grade level."  Evan got all 3's except two areas which his teacher and I agreed he needed to work on so he got 2's.  The first was his "work quality."  He knows what he's doing (sometimes a little too well), but he will often feel that he has to rush through his work and doesn't always take his time.  He always does his work correctly, but I told his teacher I have noticed that he isn't doing the work as "carefully" and "neatly" as I know he can.  I want him to show his best quality work to her.  She also said that he wouldn't count past 30 for her which I knew was not like Evan.  I asked him to count for me, and he counted to 100 easily with no errors or problems so I encouraged him to show his teacher the best that he can do in everything that he is asked to do.  I feel like most of this was due to him not fully understanding what he was expected to do, and I fully expect he will show her his true potential this next quarter.  She praised him highly on his level of knowledge and abilities and thinks his reading abilities are advanced.

Walking in with his class displaying his ribbons. 

There's my sweet boy!

Sweet little brother didn't mind getting up early to cheer for big brother at school. 

So proud of his ribbons for excellence in music (that one was a surprise) and for being an "Active Dolphin."  Their school mascot is the dolphin, and they encourage and reward kids for being active at home and keeping a daily log of their activities.  We owe his nanny thanks for that one!  



  1. Awww, he looks so cute! I love the active dolphin award! What a great way to get kids interested in staying active!!

    1. Thanks! Well, boys will definitely find ways to be active although my little niece can give the boys a run for their money so look out! :-)

  2. aw so sweet!! Can't wait to do all this :)

  3. That's so awesome they do that assembly! He should be very proud!! And very cool, I agree with what the teacher said about still getting their feet wet.

    1. Yeah, I think it encourages them all to keep up the hard work. I know that Evan needs a challenge. ;-)


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