Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fun at the Gym

We had a ball last Saturday celebrating our little neighbor friend's birthday at a local My Gym.  I have never joined any of these facilities because of being a working mom with little time to utilize them.  We usually rely on parks, the backyard, or sporting events for our exercise.  Evan and Brody's first experience at My Gym was earlier this year at another friend's birthday party.  Our little neighbor, Levi, turned 3 so we enjoyed celebrating with him.  Levi is just the sweetest and most loving little boy you will ever meet.  He will give anyone a hug that will just warm you right to your toes.  He is especially fond of Brody, and every time he and his mom or dad go for a walk in the neighborhood, he begs to come see Baby Brody.  The sad part of this post is that Levi's family is moving to Colorado -- a much anticipated move they have been wanting to make for a while.  His parents are very outdoorsy people and love canoeing and hiking.  Levi's mom's job requires her to travel often to the west coast, but she is hoping she'll be able to set up a more stable work environment at her new office in Colorado.  We will miss them so much...good neighbors are worth their weight in gold!

Little Levi is ready to party.

Brody tries out the trampoline.

So strong pushing this big roll with one hand.

Levi wants to play ball with Brody.

Either Brody stole his ball or Levi was trying to give him a hug.  It's a toss up.
Jumping fun with Mommy.
Sharing the tire swing.

Brody held on by himself like a champ.

Little sweetie

And cutie too

Silly boy

Brody did not listen to instructions to sit down. 

Evan was one of the oldest kids there so he had to chalk it up and set a good example on this one.  He didn't want to do it the last time he was here. 

Go, Levi, go!

Daddy tries to show Brody how to do it too.

Evan enjoys being a "big brother" to Levi.

Of course, Brody had to get right in the middle of storytime. 

Sweet face

Cute yummy cupcakes.

Apparently, Evan and Levi were thirsty.

Happy Birthday, sweet boy!

Making his wish.
Evan helping him blow out his candles.

Yep, little man enjoyed some cupcake.  He liked the cake better than the icing.  And yes, this is his first juice box.  Mommy wasn't too happy about that although he has had sips before when he sneaks big brother's drink.   I knew it was going to happen one day.  *Sigh*

He had a death grip on that little carton and would not let it go.  Love those boys!

A little cake face.  Of course, his lap and the floor were covered with cake crumbs!


  1. That looks like a fun birthday party. I'm so sorry to hear your wonderful neighbours are moving away.

  2. We joined My Gym when Spencer was 20 months old. We went 1-2 times a week that whole summer. Once he turned 2, and continuing until he was 3, we were there 3 times a week, every week. We did 2 classes and 1 free play every single week. He just couldn't get enough of that place. Once he was 3 1/2 though, and he was too old for parent participation classes, he didn't enjoy it as much. He just wasn't in to the independent classes. At that point we stopped paying the montly fee, but as members we still went to free play every week up until Elliott was born. He went to summer camp at My Gym this past summer.

    I cannot wait until next year when Elliott is old enough. We're going to start paying the monthly fee again so we can go to classes with him.

    It's so funny to see all of the same My Gym equipment, but in a different facility. I have a very similar picture of Spencer with his head sticking out of the colorful barrel- same as Evan. I'll try to find the link.

    Sorry your buddies are moving. I got my masters degree in Colorado. It is a beautiful state. You should go visit them and then swing by Arizona!


    I found one of my posts. There is one or two other posts I wrote too. Maybe the picture I was thinking of Spencer in the barrel was actually his teacher, Brittany.

  4. Well, I found these posts. But still no picture of Spencer in the barrel. I think I lied. I don't think that picture exists.

    1. It is definitely a good thing to get photographic evidence of the kids having fun because it is pretty inevitable that one day you'll hear the line "I never get to have any fun, Mom!" I've already heard it from Evan when we have to leave somewhere too soon or have to tell him he can't do something right then. Can we say over dramatic? ;-)


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