Sunday, October 7, 2012

First Time in the Haircut Chair

Saturday, October 6, 2012 will forever live in infamy in this mommy's heart.  To me, that was the first day my sweet little baby boy officially "looked" like a big boy.  We had been trying to work in time to take him to get his first haircut for several weeks, but our weekends had just been packed with activities.  Saturday, we were still very busy, but we worked it in between soccer game, lunch, naps while Daddy did a Smokey Bear presentation at the park, shopping for Fall and Christmas clothes, and attending our neighborhood's Oktoberfest celebration.  With Evan, we had taken him at 15 months to snip off the little mullet he had grown.  Looking back at the pictures, I don't think Evan's hair really needed that much cutting because he didn't have as much hair as Brody does.  Their hair grew so different.  Evan's hair stayed short on top and grew longer at the back so it was passed the collar of his shirts and curled up around his ears.  His first haircut was a simple affair of just snipping off the back.  We got just enough for his baby book.  We have always kept Evan's hair cut pretty short because it is now very thick on top, and if the top gets too long, he has a habit of twisting and pulling it and leaving it with a bad cowlick.  With Brody, he hasn't developed any hair pulling tricks, and his hair has grown more on top and is considerably thicker than Evan's.  Brody's hair is also more fine like mine but does lay down reasonably well.  His main areas that needed attention were his bangs which were touching his eyebrows, around his ears, and shaping up the back which had grown back unevenly because of a bald spot he had as an infant.  For Evan's first haircut, we took him down to Eddie's Aunt's small town shop where Eddie had also had his first haircut as a child.  Daddy held Evan on his lap for that first snip, and he did very well.  For Brody's first snip and since he was older, we decided to take him to a fun kids' shop here in town.  We have several to choose from but some of them close very early on Saturdays (our only free day to take him).  We took him to a cute place called "Pigtails and Crewcuts" where they have cute little truck and car seats for the kids to sit in and "drive" while their hair is being cut.  This worked like a charm for our little man who loves all things with wheels.  He was driving that fire truck the whole time with big smiles on his face.

The "first haircut" package was $5.00 extra, but I thought this little keepsake card with a picture and his snipit of hair inside was just the thing for his baby book.

Brody got to drive the fire truck during his haircut.   Mommy was showing the stylist how much to trim off.  You can see how much his hair had grown in the back and around his ears here.  

He was our shaggy little puppy before his cut!  And yes,  he does look like his mama in this one!

Brody does not mind a bit letting a pretty lady play with his hair while he drives.

The first snip for the book!

He says mommy needs one of those spray bottles  to use at home.  She usually just wets his hair down with her hands. 

Looking cool with his hair slicked back.

All smiles. 

Love that pointing finger.  He points at stuff all the time now, but we shamefully don't always know what he is trying to show us.  

The finished product.  He went from baby to big boy in just a few minutes!

Sweet kisses for Mommy because she was feeling sad.

Proud Daddy with his littlest big man.

The take-home keepsake.  His lock of hair did look pretty dark, but his hair looks so blond now with the darker ends trimmed off. 

And for comparison's sake:

Evan's Collage - Before picture with arrow pointing to his mullet, During picture with thumb in mouth, lock of reddish colored hair, and the page in his baby book.

Brody's Collage - Before picture looking like a shaggy dog, During picture, lock of hair and keepsake page for baby book, and nicely trimmed after picture. 


  1. He he he! We are so twinsie! Brody looks so grown up now. It's amazing how a little tiny trim of the hair will do that.

    I also remember thinking that Spencer's hair was so long the first time we had it cut, but he had nothing on Elliott. When I went to look at his pictures he was practically bald!

    Hooray for pic monkey collages. I like that website more and more every day. I was so sad with picnik was gone, but I think that pic monkey is even easier now.

    1. I am with you on picnik but pic monkey is growing on me too. I don't see the need for shelling out big bucks for Photoshop with such great free options! :-)

  2. Sam had his first haircut at seventeen months and I don't think Rachel will be ready for her first one for awhile. I so badly want to put clips in it and they just fall out because it isn't long enough yet.

    Brody looks so big now! Which is exactly what you DON'T want to hear :) Sorry.

    1. Oh no, you cannot cut girls' hair nearly as early. My oldest niece had no hair until she was over 2! Cate, the younger one, has significantly more hair and is just now able to have a little ponytail.

      I know, I keep looking at him to see if my baby is still there! :-(


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