Sunday, October 14, 2012

Brody's Backyard Adventures

Yesterday after our soccer game and lunch with Uncle Paul and the cousins (he was a single dad this weekend as Aunt Jessica was in Charleston for a girls' weekend with her sisters), we enjoyed a pretty laid back afternoon.  We were very thankful for a light load on the calendar this weekend.  Daddy wanted to blow some of the leaves off his newly planted grass (we have tons of trees in our yard so there are always tons of leaves).  The boys and I enjoyed playing outside and enjoying the nice cool weather.  Evan is not featured in many pictures from the afternoon because he preferred to swing his metal baseball bat around and was banished to another area of the yard away from little heads.  We enjoyed following Brody around with the camera as he played and explored.  Everything is fascinating to an almost 18 month old.

Someone was very happy when Daddy blew leaves on him.   I just loved this little owl shirt I picked up this summer at Old Navy.  When I put it on him, I was being silly and "showing" him the sounds the owl makes as I pointed to them.  He started copying me and pointing and saying "Whoooo" too.  I loved it!


Someone can climb up to the big slide all by himself now.  So big!  The steps and climbing wall up to our playset are very steep. 

Loving going down the slide.  In one of the pictures, you will notice some Windex and paper towels.  I have to clean the slide every time we want to use it because our backyard is so tree covered that there are always tons of leaves and debris covering everything.  

Some of our azalea bushes actually bloomed in the Fall!  And I just loved capturing this little squirrel playing nearby. 

Backyard football anyone? 

Swinging with Mommy. 

Sweet boy. 

Mommy and her baby boy. 

Got a few with big brother playing in the leaves.
He adores watching his big brother even when he is being silly. 
My heart!

Somebody loved the leaves too.
Evan thought it was funny to put a leaf on his head and see how long it would stay on. 

Playing baseball with Daddy. 


  1. That looks like some great backyard fun. Aren't "slower" weekends the best?!?! We just had one of those ourselves. And I love love love Brody's owl onesie. It's soooo cute!

    1. I loved it when I found it on a sale rack at Old Navy this summer. I have never really been into the whole owl craze (there is owl stuff all over pinterest, etsy, and other craft idea websites), but I thought this little shirt was cute. Plus, Brody actually learned to copy me and say "Whooooo" and point to the owls. I probably should have blogged that. Hahaha!

  2. Fun weekend. I love all your little collages. They add such a nice touch. I didn't even notice the owls, but I am on my phone so everything is tiny. On second look....very cute!

    1. Well, I took so many pictures and couldn't narrow them down much more than this and thought the collages would make it not seem like quite so many to look through. Yes, the owl shirt was a great find this summer at Old Navy. I actually have never really been into the "owl craze" but I like this one with the little bits of aqua blue in it.


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