Sunday, May 1, 2011

Brody's Birth Story

After I had Evan, I thought a 6 lb. 4 oz. baby was just the perfect size.  Now, I think an 8 lb. 9 oz. baby is pretty perfect too!  Wow, I never thought I would have said that, but I really cannot complain about the entire experience!  Here's the story: 

We were originally scheduled for an induction on Monday, April 25, 2011 because of my lack of dilation.  Our hospital called shortly before we were to leave for the hospital to say that they were filled up at the moment and would let me know if they could get me in later.  They called back later that night to say that there just wasn't any way they could take me that night.  We were so disappointed after waiting all weekend to meet the little guy.  Mommy was so uncomfortable from the fatigue of pregnancy and itchy from a pregnancy rash called PUPPP which apparently happens most frequently to mothers of boys.  It is apparently harmless except for the uncomfortable itching.  Anyway, we called our doctor's office the next morning and went in to be evaluated again.  Nope, still no progress.  We were finally put back on the schedule for an induction to begin Thursday evening.  We waited for the dreaded call that we had been bumped again, but thankfully, Thursday progressed with no such call.  Daddy and Mommy prepared to leave for the hospital  after making sure Nana and Papa could handle Evan for the night.  I think he and Papa enjoyed watching Star Wars and Transformers together! 

Mommy was initially started on cervidil to help ripen her cervix to promote dilation at about 9:00 p.m.  She had been experiencing mild contractions all week so she wasn't surprised to watch those increase in frequency and strength on the monitor.  Mommy attempted to rest through the night, but birthing beds are not very comfortable.  In the morning, Mommy's doctor on duty (one of the ones she preferred) arrived to examine her.  Although she still wasn't dilated very much, she had thinned quite a bit, and the doctor was able to break her water with an amnio hook (looks kind of like a long crochet needle).  Ouch!  That was uncomfortable, and she didn't expect the water to gush out quite that fast!  After the water was broken, Mommy experienced more intense and frequent contractions.  Pitocin was still started to keep labor progressing and to help Mommy continue to dilate.  Mommy expected that dilation would come quickly from here on out, but she was wrong again.  Her doctor came in frequently to examine her, but she still didn't seem to dilate beyond 3 cm.  During the entire day, she used over a bag of the pitocin.  Finally, by the middle of the afternoon, her contractions had intensified to the point where they felt she should have the epidural if she desired.  Although she still didn't feel too much pain, she decided she would take this opportunity before it was too late.  The hospital was still very busy with multiple c-sections so the anesthesiologists were very busy too.  The epidural took effect quickly so Mommy could no longer depend on her senses to monitor contractions and depended on the monitors.  Finally, at about 4:30 p.m., she started feeling a lot more pressure so the doctor examined her again.  It seemed she had reached the blessed 10 cm mark.  Unfortunately she was still only at a -1 station so the baby had to do some traveling.  Mommy's doctor preferred for her to push to help move the baby down so Mommy started pushing.  After about an hour of pushing through contractions, the baby reached 0 station, and she had to continue pushing another hour to reach the blessed +3 station.  At 5:00 p.m., Mommy's doctor had to leave, but the next doctor on duty was Mommy's other favorite doctor.  He did great helping Mommy through the final stages. 

At 6:49 p.m. on Friday, April 29, 2011, Brody entered the world.  Mommy got a peek at his beautiful little head covered with dark hair.  Yes, the dark hair surprised her after Evan's copper colored locks.  The first comments were something to the effect of "What gorgeous eyelashes!" and she's been hearing that ever since.  Brody had to be cleaned up and suctioned out because of some meconium in the amniotic fluid, but he was doing great.  Daddy held him first while Mommy was getting fixed up.  Finally, Mommy got her hands on him, and it was love at first sight!

Oh yeah, he actually weighed 8 lbs. 9 oz. and was 21.5 inches long.  We have no idea how he ended up so big when Evan was only 6 lbs. 4 oz. and 18.9 inches.  Daddy envisions a future football player for sure!  Newborn diapers and clothes are pretty much out...and I had quite a few left from Evan too! 

And here he is:


Getting his first cleaning!

There's his official stats.

Finally in Mommy's arms. 

Mommy checks out her beautiful boy.

Mommy and Brody with their doctor. 

Big brother wants to meet Baby Brody!

He brings gifts!

Evan's first look. 

We think he approved!

First family picture

Big brother gets to hold him.

This is love!

A Daddy's boy in the making!

Sweet Daddy love!

Daddy is in love!

So beautiful and peaceful in Daddy's arms!

Beautiful baby boy!

Beautiful face and lovely long lashes!

Sweet feet!

Someone's getting sleepy!

Evan says "Good night!"

The sweetest kiss!


Another boy for Papa!

Nana is in love...AGAIN!

Grandma gets to hold him.

Aunt 'Omi gets her hands on him.

Uncle Paul, Aunt Jessica, and cousin Lanny take a peek.

Aunt Jessica can't wait for Baby Cate to arrive to play with Brody!

Uncle Paul loves the babies.

Cousins Lanny and Emma couldn't wait anymore.

I think they like him!

Cousin Lanny loves babies!

Evan wants to help cousin Lanny with his little brother.

Mommy's friend, Karen, came to visit.  She says she has never held a newborn baby before so she needs practice.  She just got married at New Year's. 

Mommy gets in the picture. 

Daddy's cousin, Jason, came to check out Brody.  We always feel special when he pays a visit! 

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