Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Officially Overdue...AGAIN!

Yes, Monday was our due date, and yes, we are still prego!  Our babies just never want to leave the oven.  We were scheduled for a routine induction on Monday night starting with cervidil to help me dilate, but the hospital has called to "bump" us three times.  Now, we aren't scheduled until Thursday night.  We went to the doctor yesterday, and she still didn't see much change in dilation.  She also examined an itchy and annoying pregnancy rash that developed on my stomach last week and has spread to my arms and legs.  She recommended a lotion with cooling menthol and camphor in it so I am using that now.  She also had me do some more blood work to see if the rash is related to my liver enzyme levels so we are still waiting to hear about that.  They also had me hooked up to the monitors for a fetal nonstress test to make sure baby was still doing well in there.  I had been feeling some light contractions for the last few days but wasn't really sure if they were actual pre-labor contractions or just Braxton Hicks (which I never have felt very much).  I had about 3 contractions during my 20 minutes on the monitor so it does seem to indicate my body is in the beginning stages of labor.  The baby's heart rate seemed to respond well to these contractions and other stimulation so all still seems well.  We hope to have a sweet baby boy in our arms by the end of the week! 

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