Saturday, November 14, 2009

Baby Reade's Dedication

Baby Reade was dedicated in April, 2009 at the same church where his big brother Lanny and cousin Evan were dedicated to the Lord! This church does a wonderful ceremony called "Covenant Promises" in which parents are asked to make a covenant with God to raise their little ones in the way of the Lord. One of the parents (usually the Dad as the head of the family) says a special prayer for the child.

Here are some pictures of Baby Reade's special day:

Baby Reade's family is so thankful for him!

Baby Reade is such a blessing!

Uncle Paul's family is getting so big! Reade was not too happy in this picture, but it was a very long day for him!

Uncle Eddie, Aunt Sherry & cousin Evan love Baby Reade!

A special cake for a very special occasion!

Baby Reade's best friends ~ cousin Lilly, sister Emma, cousin Evan, and brother Lanny

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