Monday, November 28, 2016

We are Thankful!

Our Thanksgiving was a fun time to get together with family and catch up on life.  This family just keeps growing and growing.  The kids had a blast playing outside with their many extended cousins in Daddy's family.  Daddy has 10 first cousins on his mom's side, and now there are 18 great-grandkids.  Baby Grayson will make number 19, and we have three more on the way next year with one set of twins.  It is hard to believe all of these kids were born in less than 10 years with Evan being the oldest.  Eddie's Grandma Mattie had so looked forward to watching her great-grandchildren grow, and it makes me sad she never got to meet any of them.  I know she enjoys watching over them all though, and we are very thankful to still have great-grandpa who just turned 87.  So we celebrated all we have to be thankful for with good food and family.

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We had to visit our precious Mattie and take her Christmas wreath.  With baby brother coming soon, we aren't sure when we will have another opportunity before Christmas.  

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All together for Thanksgiving. 

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Sitting down to a delicious feast. 

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The kids enjoyed eating outside together, and the dessert table was definitely impressive. 

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The kids all enjoyed sharing cupcakes to celebrate three of our little Thanksgiving blessings.  Happy Birthdays to Emilia, Robert, and Grady. 

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Grady is 4 now and getting so big. 

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Our country kids piled in the back of a pickup truck for some pictures. 

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They all gathered around Great-Grandpa for a picture.  Cousin April had to be included because Emilia wouldn't stay without her. 

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We used the self-timer for a whole group shot.  I wish it was the whole family, but it was still an amazing feat.  Grandma Mattie would love this.  We were missing all of Aunt Dava's family and some of Aunt Homa's.  

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Happy Thanksgiving from the Hudson clan!

1 comment:

  1. I love that first picture.
    We went to the cemetery also to see the little boy who our Lance was named after. We didn't stay very long because CC was asleep in the car.
    Wow, you all have a big family. I bet it was a challenge to get those pictures. What a blessing!


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