Thursday, January 23, 2014

Preschool Birthday Parties

Last month was such a busy month.  Brody went to two birthday parties for his school friends, but I never got around to posting pictures.  Both parties were at My Gym (different locations).  Apparently, this is the place to go for preschool parties.  Haha!  I have never done a My Gym party though, but we have been to many.  Brody really seemed to enjoy himself more, and Evan even joined the fun at the second party.  It has been so long ago, I can't even remember what he and Daddy did while we were at the first party.  I think they went to the mall to do some Christmas shopping.  The first party was for Madeline whose mother is teaching her and her older siblings french from a very young age.  I love hearing her talk to them.  Madeline is obviously very decisive and wanted to wear her pink leotard and tutu and have a pink princess cake.  I guess girls really know what they want at 3 years old!

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We enjoyed a little snack before play time at this party. 

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Brody seemed to enjoy this location a lot, and I think he liked that there were less kids. 

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Just enjoying a few goldfish and waiting for cake. 

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Madeline sitting with her older sister and brother. 

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The sweet little cake her mom made.  She added some fluffy pink cotton candy for the dress. 

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Blowing out her candles. 

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Sweet boy.  He isn't a big cake fan, but he did seem to enjoy this strawberry cake and icing. 

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He really loved the ball pit. 

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This party was on Sunday afternoon so Brody was dressed in his church clothes. 

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Happy boy. 

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He was feeling adventurous and tried all the little obstacle courses. 

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Coming through the tunnel and had to walk the plank. 

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He did it!

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Walking the little bridge to the ball pit. 

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Big smiles!

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Mommy catching him as he emerged from the tunnel. 

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Having a jumping good time with his buddy, Sammy. 

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Working his way through the little maze.

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Trying to get all the kids to pose for a picture with the birthday girl in the ball pit. 

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Brody was in a picture taking mood. 

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He loves when I roll him around in the little barrel. 

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He decided this looked like a nice place for a rest. 

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And he started a trend. 

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He even zoomed across the zipline. 

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And loved the always popular alligator puppet story. 

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What a fun afternoon!

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And then it was nap time!
The second party was for a little man named Miles who loves Cars.  This party felt like a little kick off to Christmas party and was a chance for our boys to let loose a little after a stressful day of shopping with Mommy.

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There were quite a few kids at this party, and Brody was feeling more shy.  

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He did like having big brother with him. 

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I thought he would do the zipline again, but he was not in the mood. 

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He had to be coaxed to do this "sledding" obstacle.  

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Sledding into the balls. 

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Big brother encouraging him at the end. 

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I let Evan get in on the fun although he was older than the other kids because he is good about being gentle with little ones. 

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Still happiest in the balls. 

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Having a little snack and taking a break. 

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Singing happy birthday to Miles. 

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Evan showed Brody how to do the zipline (still making up for not doing this when he was younger...haha!). 
I am thankful January has been a slower month with less events so that I can finally get these last posts finished.


  1. Wow, what a fun place...and some good nap-inducing! : ) So cute

    1. Oh, this is a great way to wear out a toddler...and a mom too! ;-)

  2. How fun! I really wish that we had a My Gym here. It looks like a blast. Your boys looked like they both had a really good time!

    1. I am sure you probably have similar options. I have never actually joined any of these establishments so we really only go for the parties.

  3. That looks like a really fun place! I was going to comment that Brody was looking quite smart in the pictures from the first party :) I'm glad you were having a quieter month and that you had a chance to write this post. I'm guessing you are praying for some quiet now. Thinking of you...

    1. In some ways, it was quieter. More so in the beginning of the month. Things started getting a little crazy about mid-way through. Sigh.

  4. We started My Gym classes with Spencer when he was 20 months old. We went to 1-2 classes AND a free play every single week until he was 3.5. Then we did free plays every week until Elliott was born. I have spent a loooooooot of time at My Gym. I still get a kick out of the fact that all My Gyms, not matter where they are, have the exact same equipment. We are still members (it's a one time fee) but the owners and teachers have changed and aren't as good, so we're not taking Elliott to classes. I wouldn't mind a birthday party, especially if they were as fun as these parties looked!

    1. Ha! I think I remember you posting a similar comment on a previous My Gym post which was almost identical to this post. My Gym classes, birthday parties, etc. are pretty much all about the same. I have enjoyed seeing Brody's abilities improve though in the past year and how much more he enjoys the activities now. We have several My Gyms within just a few miles of us, and they are all pretty much the same with only minor differences in set up. I think most of the preschool parents pick these places for parties because they are easy and you can invite a lot of kids without having to pay a lot more.


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