Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Milk & Cookies & Warm Fuzzy Socks

This post has been unnecessarily delayed and should have gone up last week.  I am still trying to catch up and have so many posts waiting to be written.  No excuses except just life busyness.  However, these items definitely offered me some comfort last week when the weather had turned pretty chilly down south.  We were in the 20's most nights with highs in the 30's and 40's (Fahrenheit) during the day.  My office at work was so cold that by the end of the day all I wanted to do was go home and snuggle up under some cozy warm blankets and warm my hands and feet. On Tuesday after a long day at work, I was happy to come home to a little box of cheer all the way from Canada.  My extra special blog friend, Natasha, sent me some yummy chocolate chip cookies from one of her favorite grocery stores.  Of course, the boys wanted to try them too!  I sampled before reading the ingredients so I was pleasantly surprised by the subtle hint of coconut in these delicious cookies.  I was also pleasantly surprised by the "healthy factor" in these cookies that did not contain many of the additives and extra junk so many of our store bought treats contain down here.  Eddie and I have actually been on a mission lately to cut out as much of the processed foods with artificial coloring, flavors, preservatives, etc. so this was a welcome treat for sure.

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So when are we getting this brand down here in the states?  Do I need to send the company a nice letter?  Maybe our beloved Target could even start selling them.  I was also kind of pleased Natasha sent me the "French"  package which I assume is made to sell in Quebec.  It made me feel like I was eating something a little more exotic.  Hehe!    

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Evan snatching a cookie before I could even get one.  Silly boy! 

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But my sweetheart, Brody, grabbed two, one for me and one for him!  Ha!

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And you cannot eat chocolate chip cookies without milk!

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And as promised, you must check out my warm fuzzy socks that kept my feet warm last week.  Haha!  Eddie jokingly calls them my sexy socks.  It is a bit of an inside joke.  We listen to a comedic talk radio show in the mornings, and they sometimes give their callers "sexy socks" as gifts.  

Natasha, as I have repeatedly expressed to you, I truly feel that our friendship has gone far beyond what most would understand as an online friendship.  As I've expressed about myself, I kind of shy away from many casual friendships in my personal life.  I think I have come to realize this is due to my having "trust" issues.  I tend to seek out relationships where I truly feel people are being truly honest with me.  I don't often get that trustworthy vibe from most of my casual acquaintances because I have just seen too many times where most of these "relationships" involve much gossiping and no real intimacy.  I would rather have a few close friends that I feel are truly honest and sincere with me than have many casual friendships.  And yes, it is hard to build those more intimate and honest relationships and even more difficult when you have time constraints from so many other obligations.  I have always gotten the honest and trustworthy vibe from you so although we have not actually met, I do feel I can call you a true friend, and I do value this relationship as I do not have many I can truly call true friends.  So now that I know that we are only a convenient 12 hour driving distance apart, I foresee a future road trip up there to drink tea, eat cookies, and just sit and talk for hours while our kids entertain one another.


  1. Oh how sweet! I think Natasha is pretty great too! I count it such a blessing to be able to count the both of you as friends.

    I love your new blog header!

    1. And of course, you are definitely another one of those I call a "true friend," Tracy! :-) The blog header is a sneak peek of the pictures we took for our Christmas cards. I had to get that order in this weekend before some Shutterfly coupons expired.

    2. Thanks Tracy! And I am blessed to have you as a friend too. We will have to figure out this meeting up in person thing soon!

  2. Yeah for chocolate chip cookies! I know it sounds funny, but I think of you and Natasha and Tracy as my best friends! : )

    1. I don't think it sounds funny. I love you ladies too!

    2. Nope not funny at all to us! I know others who may not understand this long distance online friendship thing may not get it, but we certainly do. We are seriously vested in one another's lives and know more about one another than most people who we have met in real life. :-)

    3. I don't think it sounds silly at all Kelly. We all know the ins and outs of each other's lives in a way our IRL friends sometimes don't, if they don't read our blogs. (Okay, Sherry already said that but it's true!). I love you guys too.

  3. Oh how fun is it to get packages, especially over country lines. I once sent Peanut Butter Oreo's to Canada because they'd never had them or heard of them. Very cool you got Canadian cookies!

    1. Seriously, they were so yummy and not like your average chocolate chip cookie (probably because of the hint of coconut)! I can't figure out why this brand can't be sold down here. I need to write the President of the company a nice little note! :-)

  4. How sweet of her. She's making the rest of us look bad (ha ha ha)! And now I really, really, really want some cookies and milk.

  5. Oh, and I also love the new festive header and background. Can't wait to see all of the new pictures.

    1. Well, you know the way I'm going the Christmas posts may be up by February, 2014. Haha! I thought I was really doing good this weekend when I got all the soccer game posts written, but alas, I haven't finished my fall or Thanksgiving posts. Sigh! As much as I love blogging, being OCD about the memory preservation can be super stressful! ;-)

  6. Awwww Sherry. You are too sweet. I can't believe I haven't gotten around to reading this post until now. Blame the sickness (mine, Dave's, Sam's) and general craziness for that.

    Your words to me made me cry and I am so grateful for you and our friendship as well. We WILL meet someday and we will sip some sweet tea, eat cookies and then go for high tea somewhere. I just know it. I am so looking forward to that day and until then we will just maintain our friendship online and through treats in the mail once in awhile :)

    Everything sold in stores in Canada has to be written in both English and French as we are officially a bilingual country. So I didn't have to search for an extra special package -- every package of those cookies across the country is sold that way :)

    And until reading your blog post I never knew they had coconut in them. Ha! Maybe I should start reading ingredients :)

  7. Also I love your new header! It's beautiful.


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