Thursday, December 26, 2013

Brewster's Antics

Brewster, our little elf friend, returned for his third Christmas with our family on the 1st of December.  I had very good intentions for all the fun our little elf would enjoy while he was with us this year and made my list of his "activities."  However, since I can't seem to stay awake later at night than my kids and can't seem to get myself up and out of bed before them, the elf activities often fell on my sweet husband's shoulders to perform.  And yes, there were several mornings where our tricky elf pretended like he had not moved at all and was still in the same spot!  Ha!  He might move during the day when we weren't around though.  We think Evan and Brody still had a lot of fun discovering all the mischief Brewster got into.

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Waiting in the newly decorated Christmas tree on his first night. 

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Hmmm, what could this toilet paper be for? 

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Brewster thought our tree needed more decorations. 

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Then he got hold of some dry erase markers and added an artistic touch to the boys' pictures.  I didn't get a good picture of his little superhero cape he wore with his B on it.  He definitely thought he was a superhero rappelling down the wall.   

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He also got a new football jersey to watch the Panthers play football one Sunday.  He made himself this little swing from our dining area chandelier. 

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Then, he decided to go over to the dark side and dressed like Darth Vader to fight against Evan's little Star Wars figurines. 

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One Sunday when we came home from church, Brewster was holding baby Jesus. 

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And then he got really brave dangling from a candy cane rope he made over our front entry. 


  1. How fun! We haven't done Elf on the Shelf and this makes me really want too.

  2. We got our Elf this year waiting for next even though our little one will still be little next year.

  3. Wow! Brewster was quite the busy elf this year. I'm impressed :)

  4. I cannot tell you how many times I had to drag myself out of bed to move Winston. Ugh!

    I love the toilet paper wrapped tree. I am definitely doing that next year.


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