Monday, June 17, 2013

Last Days of School

Brody's last week of school was back at the end of May, and Evan has been out of school for a week now.  For Brody's last days of his first year of preschool, Mommy and Daddy enjoyed going to eat lunch with him.  It was supposed to be a picnic outside, but due to a recent rain, the playground area was still too wet so we enjoyed an indoor picnic.  He was so sweet because he kept taking things to one of his teachers to show her and just showed how much he had grown to love them this year.  He gave his teachers some sweet treats that Mommy prepared for them, and we received some really sweet little art projects and a special book that summarized his year.  We are looking forward to many more "successful" years of school ahead of him.

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Brody enjoying his yummy lunch from Chick-fil-a.  He pretty much eats a "picnic-like" lunch everyday so we thought this was more of a treat for him.  

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Daddy helping Brody eat his ice cream treat. 

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I love his expression here.  Silly boy!

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Cutie pie. 

For big brother Evan's last week of kindergarten, they had lots of activities.  Daddy went to see their cute little ocean themed parade, Evan had his first field day activities, and we enjoyed watching his class' poetry recital.  He had worked so hard to memorize his poem entitled "Celebrating Our Flag."

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Evan and his friend, James, show off their ocean themed hats.  

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Getting ready for the parade to start. 

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Evan wearing his sea turtle hat.

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They are ready to make a splash into first grade!

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This class did a crab theme. 

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And this one made colorful jellyfish. 

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Walking out onto the field. 

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Sitting with his class watching the other classes parade past. 

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Evan was chosen to go get their class' reward. 

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He ran so fast he lost his hat. 

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And had to go back and get it.  Silly boys!

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Evan is ready to recite his poem. 

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First, they all said a poem together. 

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Refreshment time.  That's the first thing he did when the program was to get drink and cookies.  He didn't care about coming to see his Mommy, Daddy, and little brother.  Haha!

Have to turn the volume way up to hear this one because the camera man was pretty far from him.

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  1. The parade was way too cute! What a great way to get excited about the first grade!!!

  2. That was a very cute parade! And hard to believe Brody is done his first year of school already.

  3. Um, I believe I just read your post about the first day of school like a week ago. How can school be done already? Ha ha!

    The parade looked like a lot of fun. I love the crab hats!


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