Thursday, June 27, 2013

Happy Daddy's Day!

Father's Day started out like most of our Sundays...with the sounds of laughter as Eddie and the boys played downstairs.  They always make me a little jealous with the fun they have together.  Of course, they do try to include me in their fun as well, and I just love watching them together.  Evan and Brody gave Daddy this cute printable in which Evan answered the questions about his Daddy.  He did a really good job.  Then, we went to church together and lunch afterwards.  To tell you the truth, I can't remember where we ate lunch that day.  *Sigh*  That's why I hate getting behind on posting.  However, I did capture some sweet pictures of my boys together to remember the day.

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Evan really does know his daddy pretty well although he was almost in trouble when he said daddy's favorite color was blue.  He realized his mistake quickly.  Daddy is a big NC State fan!

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And yet, look what color my handsome boys are wearing.  Haha!  They do it for me.  

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Daddy wanted to put one on each shoulder to show his He-man like strength, but Evan wasn't having that.  He used to love riding on Daddy's shoulders but now he is terrified. 

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Not sure why Brody was doing the more sign, but he was.  He must have been hungry. 

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But these are probably my favorite pictures.  The boys love getting piggy back rides from Daddy. 

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All smiles!
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  1. How sweet! I love those last two pictures! Great memeories for those boys when they get older!

  2. What a great Father's Day! Evan's answers are so sweet!

  3. I love that printable. I am totally pinning that for next year! Ha :) And I love watching fathers and their children interact. And don't be jealous Sherry -- they have their own special ways of interacting with you.


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