Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Law School Graduation

Well, isn't that a creative title to a post?  Ha!  So yes, Mommy finally graduated after a long and grueling four years of night classes and hours away from her sweet boys.  These boys have been so good to me through this process, and I owe them many hugs and kisses for being so loving and patient.  The graduation affair was as much to honor their sacrifices as mine.  The graduation was held at the Charlotte Convention Center which is attached to the new Nascar Hall of Fame complex (Yes, you read that right...Nascar as in the southern sport of racing.  It was a lot classier than it sounds.).  The Convention Center is a beautiful and spacious location in uptown Charlotte with beautiful views of the city skyline.  It was necessary to use one of the largest ballrooms for the affair because of the large size of our graduating class.  Our night student group doesn't really get the feeling of belonging to a large class though since our small group has been together throughout the whole four year process.  I am glad that my parents, my in-laws, my boys and husband, and my brother's family with the exception of the two youngest children could attend.

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A picture of me with my non-existent degree.  I won't get that until after final grades have posted. 
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Our large class of graduates ~ I circled myself in red because the only way I knew it was me was because I knew where I was standing.  Talk about a sea of faces!

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The one decent picture Daddy was able to get of me walking into the ceremony.  I guess I will have to purchase pictures  from the event photographers. 

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Me and my boys

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A slightly better picture of the boys

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Me and my family

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With the in-laws (Grandma and Papa James)

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We enjoyed a little champagne and cake reception following the ceremony.  It was meant to be a mix and mingle event so no chairs were available.  Of course, with kids and cake and drink, we had to improvise.  

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The big boys loved toasting with their wine glasses.  

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They thought they were so big. 

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And Brody had to join the big boys. 
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Daddy had to get Mommy a special cake to commemorate the occasion. 

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On Sunday afternoon, we went over to take a few pictures of the school before Mommy had to turn in her cap and gown.  Sadly, this is the last year at this campus although the building is only about 5 years old.  They have outgrown the space and instead of adding more buildings, they decided to move the campus into a location in the center of the city.

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The pregnant graduate

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Me and my boys with our city behind us
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  1. You are so awesome! I'm so happy for you!!!

    1. Awesome is definitely not in the list of descriptive adjectives I'd use to describe myself. Tired, relieved, a little anxious about the next steps, etc are more like it. Ha!

  2. Congratulations!! You have made much sacrifice for your family!! I know you are happy to have reached this milestone in your life!!
    Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Piper, for your sweet encouraging words!

  3. Sherry, you are amazing. I am just so proud of you. To go to and finish law school while having babies and raising a family is inspiring. I sometimes feel like I can barely have kids and get the groceries bought. You got a post-graduate degree. Awesome.

    1. Well, I did have to give up the grocery duties and others, but we all survived. Eddie is looking forward to a break as much as I am. :-)

  4. What Natalie said! Sherry, you are such an inspiration, not only to us but to your family. Even though the boys may not understand now, they will recognize the sacrifices you made when they are older. (Says one who had a mother in school while she was growing up!) I'm so glad so much of your family could celebrate your graduation with you.

    1. I do hope the kids will learn and appreciate what hard work and perseverance can accomplish. Eddie's grandmother is a great example for me and I am glad to get to honor her with little Mattie. Love those wonderful female role models that our girls will so desperately need! :-)

  5. Congratulations! What a great accomplishment!! You are DEFINITELY a SuperMom!!!!!

    1. Don't know about that, but my hubby is my superhero around here. Haha!

  6. Oh you're soooo awesome! Congratulations!

  7. Congrats! Thanks for sharing! You are inspiring!


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