Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Water Babies

While I have so many things that I want to write about right now concerning recent events, I am having trouble processing it all and deciding what to write.  For now, I thought I would just share this little bit of Springtime happiness from this past weekend.  After baseball games on Saturday, we ate lunch with the cousins and then thought the kids needed to enjoy some outdoor play time.  Poor Miss Emma had been feeling very sick for several days so she needed to go home and rest, but Aunt Jessica brought Lanny, Reade, and Cate over to play.  It was just so beautiful outside that we couldn't stand to be cooped up inside.  The older boys actually had other plans and spent a lot of time playing in Evan's room and playing the Wii.  Boys...sigh!  Brody and Cate had a great time outside and especially enjoyed when I filled up Brody's little water toy from last year.  Brody will be getting a new water table for his birthday.

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A touch of Spring in the yard as my azaleas had started blooming this past week.  I just planted them last year so I wasn't sure what they might do this year. 

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Brody enjoyed splashing which did not make his girly cousin happy.  Yes, our babies are playing outside in diapers...we are from the south after all!  

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Sweet Cate showing us her purple toy.  They both enjoyed when I taught them to pour water on their heads.  Ha!

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Brody shows me his little boat. 

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Brody caught in the act of getting ready to splash his cousin.  

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Little stinker thought he could climb inside.  He also liked aggravating his cousin by turning the whole thing over and pouring the water out.  Mommy had to refill it numerous times.  Poor Cate!

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Cate enjoying a little solitary play. 



  1. How cute! We have a little water table that Addi and Karsyn seem to think is their own personal pool. LOL!

    1. Yes, I am pretty sure Brody will climb in a table too and will also try to turn it over...and probably succeed. He is a strong little man and thinks he's Heman or something. Ha!

  2. Those are some very cute water babies!

    1. Don't they look like twins? I am actually always amazed how much they look alike and how different they both look from their other siblings and cousins. They started out with darker hair that has gradually lightened and just has gorgeous blond highlights and both have beautiful dark eyelashes and eyebrows. Cate's eyes have stayed blue while Brody's have changing to green. They are a funny pair...obviously girl and boy differences. :-)

  3. There is nothing wrong with a baby playing in a diaper. It's pretty standard in our house in the summer!

  4. Oh of course not! I think it is the best way to play, but you know some snooty northerner might think differently. He he! ;-)


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