Thursday, April 25, 2013

1st Fairy Visit

This weekend while Evan was brushing his teeth, Mommy noticed one of his little bottom teeth was looking a little crooked.  She knew that at over 6 years old, he was due to lose a tooth soon.  She checked his mouth and found that the little tooth was indeed a little loose.  She assumed it would still take a few days to loosen up enough to come out, but she told Evan that this was very exciting to prepare him.  For the next few days, he didn't seem to be bothered by the tooth.  On Wednesday night when Mommy got home from her last night of law school classes (EVER!  That is for another post though.), she asked him to show her his tooth again.  It still seemed to be hanging in pretty good.  Evan was eating some apple slices, and Mommy asked if he could bite the apple with the tooth, but he said he didn't want to because it kind of hurt.  Today, when Daddy got home from work, he heard the story from Evan.  Apparently, while Evan was sitting in his class at school, he was working on the tooth, and it came out.  We don't know why, but for some reason, he just tossed that sweet little tooth in the trash!  Yes, you know this overly sentimental, memory-preserving mommy was very disappointed when Daddy messaged her the news.  I asked him where his teacher was, and he said they had a substitute.  I'm not sure if he was embarrassed or what.  Of course, he has already told us that he doesn't "believe" in the tooth fairy but maybe this will help him "believe" a little.  It probably won't though because he is just too practical of a kid.  I really don't think he "believes" in Santa although he plays along to get toys.

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Mommy got the idea to "take" a picture of the tooth fairy paying him a visit from my blog pal, Natalie, whose son recently lost a tooth.  Thanks, Natalie!  I found a site where you can pay to get a picture created, but I wasn't about to spend $10 on that so here is my own version.  

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That first little snaggle tooth smile. 

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The tooth fairy has left him a sweet letter, a special certificate, and two dollars (it was either that or  $10 as that's all the "tooth fairy" had but we didn't think starting him out getting $10 was a good idea).  


  1. I cannot believe Evan threw it out. I'm going to be talking to Sam, starting now, about how to bring home his first tooth just in case...

    Also, way to bury the lead on BEING DONE CLASSES!!! Whoo hoo!!!

    And I think $2 for a tooth is very reasonable :)

    1. Yes, I do recommend adequate preparation beforehand. *Sigh* To just think of that precious little tooth in the garbage somewhere makes me want to cry. I am sure it was his very first tooth too! :-( Well, you know this blog is more about the kids than me, but I'll post more about being DONE soon. Ha!

  2. My not quite 5 year old has been asking when he will lose a tooth! I told him that he wasn't old enough yet. He was bummed. He wants to lose one so bad. I guess he sees the other kids at school losing theirs. You're idea was great on how to get him to 'believe'! I think he will be excited to see that! You have to share his reaction!

    1. I thought 6 years was kind of a late start, but I am glad he waited until after all school pictures were done for the year. Haha! The funny thing is I still haven't had a chance to show him the picture. He liked his letter and certificate though. Still not sure he really "believes" but he goes along with it all well. :-)

  3. Ahhhhh! I love the picture with the tooth fairy. He looks so cute without his tooth. =)

    Wa-hoo!!! No more classes!!!!

    1. I tried to find a fairy picture that didn't look too freaky. Haha! You would be amazed what you get when you google tooth fairy pictures. Yikes! Haha! Yep, I am glad to be done with that part, but now it is studying for finals time. *Sigh*

  4. Well, maybe it will make you feel better to know that we lost Spencer's tooth. We put it in an envelope and put it under the pillow and when I (I mean, the tooth fairy) went to get it out, the tooth was gone. Michael did a 45 minute search of all the bedding, under the bed, the floor, etc. So, I'm planning on just keeping his second tooth for the baby book. I hope it's the one right next to the first one he lost. It won't work if it is a top one.

    Our tooth fairy left 2 dollars too. Our 2 dollars had fairy glitter on it though.

    1. Oh no! I know you hated that you lost it...since we are so much alike! Yes, I am hoping I can hold onto the second missed tooth. Yes, it should be the other bottom tooth as they seem to lose them in the same order they get them. Yeah, I saw the fairy glitter idea, but I didn't have any and thought that might be a little messy. Haha!


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