Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt

So the Easter egg hunt that got postponed last weekend was on for this weekend.  We were afraid of rain again, but although it had rained a little the previous night, Saturday morning was pretty nice albeit a little chilly.  The boys had a great time!

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Meeting the Easter bunny again.  Yes, Mommy does look enormous!  

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Brody still loved the bunny. 
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Evan and his old school pal,Alejandro, pick out a prize. 

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Mommy and Evan help Brody find his eggs. 

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He didn't need too much help. 

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The little ones' eggs were "hidden" in the soft grass. 
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Brody filling up his basket. 

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The little hunter is finished. 

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Is this the face of success? 

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He thinks he's so big!

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Carrying his basket of goodies. 

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Brody and his school friend, William, comparing their finds. 

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Evan's hunt was on the playground. 

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It was more of a race to fill their baskets. 

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Going for the easy ones. 

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He just looks too big now. 

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Then apparently it was time for a Brody hunt. 

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A big turnout for the hunt. 

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Brody "found" a little flag marker.  Mommy rescued him before he needed a tetanus shot from the rusty metal spike. 

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Where's Brody?  There he is! 

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Then he had to do a little swinging before we headed home. 

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Evan enjoyed playing with his old pal, Liam, that he hadn't seen since last summer at the pool. 



  1. I love big Easter hunts like this! So much fun!

  2. That looks like a lot of fun! I love that your neighbourhood did that. And you look awesome Sherry!!!

  3. Your pregnant belly is so adorable!!!! It looks like you all had a lot of fun. It's so cool that your neighborhood does that. That's a great way to get to know your neighbors.

  4. I love that you had a neighborhood Easter egg hunt! The bunny is cute but you got some fabulous photos of your kiddo's!


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