Sunday, March 10, 2013

First Spring Weekend

So I know the first day of Spring is still a couple of weeks away, but I am considering this the first weekend of Spring because it definitely felt like Spring had sprung around here.  I think last year the first weekend it felt like Spring actually occurred in February.  It was a very early Spring!  This weekend's warm weather (around 70 degrees) was definitely welcomed as we opened up the windows and let the fresh Spring air rid the house of that winter mustiness.  We actually had a crazy busy weekend.  On Friday afternoon, I enjoyed joining the boys playing outside with the nanny before she left.  Saturday, we spent most of the day putting together Evan's new bunk beds (which he'll soon be sharing with Brody) and just doing a big bed switch.  We moved Evan's full sized mattress into Brody's room to replace the old spare mattress which is on the way out the door.  In changing out Evan's bed, we took most of the old decor and pictures off the wall since the taller bed will take up more of the wall space.  While we were taking stuff off the walls, we puttied and painted any holes left by nails.  Unfortunately, we were also dealing with a sick little man during this process as Evan had awoken that morning with a stomach bug.  He was definitely feeling sick and weak and spent most of the day resting and sleeping.  Thankfully, the bug seemed to pass quickly so he has been as good as new all day today.  Yes, I did "overdo" it a little on Saturday, but I am glad that we got so much done around the house and managed to make some good memories too.  Here's to more Spring weekends ahead!

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Welcoming Spring!  I had thought of making a cute Spring banner, but when I saw this at Target for only $6.99, I couldn't pass it up.  It is made of felt so it should last for future years. 

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Evidence of Spring -- cherry blossoms! 

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Our cherry tree is blooming!
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Evan wanted to draw a hopscotch board on the ground.  I love that Brody was also drawing.  

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This little guy has gotten so good on his scooter. 

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Look at him go!

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Brody was content to push his firetruck around.  We enjoy using the cul-de-sac  across the road for bike riding as it is seldom used by traffic. 

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I just love how cute he always looks in his helmet. 

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Enjoying a game of hopscotch.  He makes up his own rules.

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Brody enjoyed exploring. 

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And throwing sweet gum balls.  Ha!
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I swear Brody thinks he's the Hulk or something.  He seriously thought he could move this sign post. 

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Brody and his pal, Jonah, go exploring. 

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Daddy begins the big job of setting up Evan's bunk beds.  Yes, it was in all of those boxes!

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On Sunday morning, the boys got up and went downstairs to eat breakfast before Mommy got up.  Brody came back upstairs and got his little bunny that sings "Jesus Loves Me."  Mommy heard him "singing" along with the bunny.  He doesn't sing the words, but he definitely knows the tune. 

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The big boys thought it was Summer already and decided to wear their shorts and flip flops today. 

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We had to go to Target to look for new bedding for the boys and get some other weekly essentials.   I just loved my view while pushing the shopping cart!
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After the run to Target and the Pottery Barn Kids store at the mall to get the boys' quilts and Evan's new dinosaur sheets, we made up Evan's bed for his first night on the top bunk.  We just decided to do neutral navy and light blue quilts and then let each boy have their own sheets and accessories.  Evan will have dinosaurs,and Brody will have cars.  We have to order Brody's sheets online because they had none at Target or Pottery Barn Kids or anywhere else I looked online in stock.  I refuse to buy anything but 100% cotton sheets for the kids because they both sweat so bad.  
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Evan shows off his new dinosaur pillow.  He really wants a special stegosaurus pillow. 

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Sweet boys sharing the top bunk.  Nope, this won't be a usual practice. 

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Awww, how sweet are they!

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Mommy had to test it out.  It is a pretty sturdy shaking. 

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Evan's bedding

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Brody tries out his bunk. 

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After getting his new bed finished, it was time for some baseball practice in the backyard.  He has his first coach pitch team practice tomorrow.

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Coach Daddy pitches the ball. 

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There's our little ball player.  Great stance, Evan!

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And Brody was content pushing his four wheeler around.  It was fully charged, but he still prefers pushing it to riding it. Silly boy! 

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He's pretty fast at pushing though. 

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Nice swing, Evan! 

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Brody needed some refreshment after all his hard work pushing his four wheeler around. 

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And now it was time for catching practice. 

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Sweet little ballplayer. 

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He's ready!

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And he finally got on and rode a little. 

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Brody loved swinging on the double glider with big brother.  I got video of him just giggling uncontrollably. 

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Sweet little happy face!
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Climbing up to the playhouse all by himself. 

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So proud of himself!

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Preparing to go down the slide. 

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He really liked it when big brother went down with him. 

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And he really loves swinging in his swing!

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Swinging with Mommy. 
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Evan had to dig out his old putt putt set. 

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He's had the little set since he was about Brody's age.  The set has seen better days since it has been staying outside in the elements, but it is still cute.  Evan's putting green, on the other hand, could use a new groundskeeper.  Ha! 

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I don't know what he was excited about here.  

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And the tired big boy sleeping in his new bed at last! 

P.S. - Happy 600th post to me!  I am just the energizer blogging bunny...keep going and going and going!  Haha!



  1. Looks like you all had a great weekend. I'm glad Evan is feeling better. I love the bunk beds. We've been trying to decide if bunks will work for our girls.

    1. Well, I loved Evan's big bed, but his room was just too small. I wanted the boys to have more floor room to play on as well as additional storage so the bunk bed was the best answer. It was a great deal even though we had to put it together. It has lots of drawer storage and is very sturdy too.

  2. It looks like you had a busy but fun weekend. You definitely have more Spring than we do, but we are slowly catching up! And I can't believe you crawled up to the top bunk being pregnant. Way to go :)

    And congratulations on post 600!!! Here's to 6x600 more!

    1. Haha! Well, we didn't have as much snow to dig out of as you so I guess an earlier Spring is to be expected. And the bunk bed was too hard to climb up since it has stairs. ;-)

  3. It certainly does look like spring had sprung there! We've been hit with a cooler front, not a cold front :) And I like the bunk bed! Nice!

  4. Very awesome bed. I really like the idea of the bunk beds and then having individual bedding. I love Spencer's big bed too, but I'm always tempted to get him this cool platform bed from IKEA so that he can have more floor space to play.

    You guys had a very busy weekend. It seems like that happens to us too around this time of year. Then we're slow through the hot, hot summer.


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