Monday, March 25, 2013

Dear Evan,

You are growing into a man more and more every day.  You will soon be 6 years old, and I just want you to know how much you mean to me and to remind you of a few life lessons that I hope I can continue to teach you in the coming years.  Here are a few things that I hope you will always remember as you continue to grow up:

1.  There are so many things that I love about you.  I really do love you more each and every day.  You are so sweet, so loving, so caring for others, so smart, and so fun and playful. 

2.  I don’t want you to ever lose your sense of self for anyone.  When others put you down or make you feel bad, come to me.  I will always remind you how special God made you!  And remember, other people will try to bring you down to try to make themselves feel better.  Don’t be like them.  It doesn’t work and will only hurt you in the end. 

3.  There will never be another person in the whole entire world like you.  You are irreplaceable so take care of yourself for me! 

4.  Be like your daddy!  Be a loving and caring husband and father who always puts his family first. 

5.  Dream big!  Don’t be afraid to set your goals high because with God, you can do anything.   

6.  Pray!  Pray for God’s guidance in everything you do and trust Him.  He created you and knows what is best for you.   

7.  Be kind!  Be a friend especially to those who don’t seem to have any friends.  You may just find that one true friend that will last you a lifetime. 

8.  Love your brother!  He is a very special gift to you and will always be with you.  You are such a wonderful big brother already, and I know that you truly do love and cherish your relationship with little brother. 

9.  Treat women with respect!  When you find that special girl that is the one, put her above all others except for God, and your marriage will be blessed with happiness.  I promise to do my best not to interfere in your relationship and will love you both. 

10.  Don’t forget your mother!  I will always love you and need you.  I cherish every moment I get to spend with you and never want to lose you.  You will always be my baby! 

11. Listen…to your parents, to your siblings, to your teachers, to your friends, to your future employers and co-workers, and most importantly, to your future wife!  You just might learn something, and I promise that your life will be easier…well, at least free of a lot more conflict.  

12.  Work hard!  Don’t expect to have anything handed to you.  If you want something, you have to work for it and earn it.  It is the only way to build your own self-worth. 

13.  Don’t be afraid to take risks!  If you just sit on the sidelines and never play in the game, you will miss out on so much joy!  Play sports, climb trees (and someday mountains), swim, run races, and just live life to the fullest! 

14.  Always do your best!  Strive for excellence in everything you do.  I know you may not always “win,” but if you know you did your best, you are always a winner! 

15.  Love!  Love with all your heart!  Yes, sometimes that may mean you’ll get your heart broken, but it is the only way to truly know the joy that love can bring when another person returns that love to you. 

Love always,



  1. What a sweet letter to Evan filled with great advice.

    1. There are so many lessons I hope he will always keep with him and remember. I know this life is just going to get harder, and I just want to prepare him the best I can. It is making me a little sad to think of him getting older. It seems that there is no little baby left in him although I am grateful that he is still such a loving and affectionate little boy.

  2. What a fantastic letter/list. Makes me a bit teary!

    1. I know, right? It is just getting so hard to watch these boys leave behind their "babyhood" and grow into little men. :-(

  3. What a great letter! That is so sweet.

    1. Thanks, Tracy! Isn't it so hard to let these boys grow up into little independent men? *Sigh*

  4. Thank you, Sherry, for making me cry!!!! This was so sweet. You should print this and save it for him someday!

    1. Oh, I will! Unfortunately, I am only up to printing through 2009 on the blog so I am a little behind. :-)


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