Friday, March 29, 2013

Date Night!

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This was actually a picture taken from one of our date nights last year.  I think this was when we went to see "Jersey Boys."  

With two kids and a pretty crazy life right now, it is kind of hard for Eddie and I to get out on a lot of dates these days.  We really do enjoy just spending time together though.  A lot of our regular "dates" lately are just lunch dates.  He picks me up from work, and we enjoy eating lunch together somewhere close to my office.  These times are just special because it gives us a chance to talk "grown up" talk without the kids around.  Of course, we still do talk a lot about them.  Last week, we actually got a pretty special date night out.  My brother and his wife bought tickets to see the Broadway show "Wicked" which was here in Charlotte.  We had been wanting to see the show for a while so we planned a double date.  I really hate that I took no pictures of the night's events.  I, of course, wore my one "nice" Motherhood maternity little black dress, and Eddie also looked nice in slacks and sport coat.  My sister in law looked like she stepped out of a fashion magazine in her little black dress with red heels and cute red necklace.  We met for dinner at a local restaurant close to uptown and my office for an early dinner since the show started at 7:30.  Eddie and I have been to the restaurant a couple of times, and my office holds our Christmas parties there because one of our attorneys' family owns it.  It is called Dressler's for any Charlotte readers who want to check it out.

Anyway, we all enjoyed a yummy dinner in a beautiful and trendy establishment and then headed to the show.  It was every bit as good (and better) than we had hoped.  I loved the twist on the Wizard of Oz and that the "Wicked" Witch of the West actually got her much deserved happily ever after.  I am such a hopeless romantic!  We were all very impressed with the actors and actresses in our showing, especially the girl who played the main character, Elphaba.  We also loved seeing so many guests dressed in some pretty awesome themed attire.  Witch hats and emerald green were popular choices.  It was just a fun night out on the town!



  1. The two of you are such a cute couple! That sounds like a fun date. I've always wanted to see Wicked too.

    1. Oh Tracy, it was so good! I loved that it had a better "lesson" than the actual Wizard of Oz. You know, the old "don't judge a book by its cover or skin color" type lesson. :-)

  2. Ohhh!!! I LOVE Wicked! It's one of my favorites. I got chills when they sang Defying Gravity. Glad y'all had fun!!

    1. Me too! I love that song...I need the soundtrack to this show! :-)

  3. I want to see Wicked! What a great date night! I love that you get to have regular date-lunches :)

    1. Yes, Natasha, I absolutely recommend that you see Wicked! It is so awesome!

  4. So fun! Wicked is on my list of shows to see - I can't believe I haven't seen it yet!!


    1. It took us a while, but we were so glad to finally get to see it. It was definitely worth it!


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