Monday, March 18, 2013

26 Weeks

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Taken Sunday, March 17, 2013 (St. Patrick's Day)

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We have made it to 26 weeks.  Is March really already halfway gone?  With Evan's 6th birthday quickly approaching, I am definitely feeling a little nostalgic around this time of year.  It seems like only yesterday I was waiting to meet my first little bundle of joy.  I know that this time will be just as joyful as the other two.  Mattie should already weigh almost two pounds and be about 14 inches long, and she should be practicing her breathing motions and beginning to hear sounds of Mommy, Daddy, and big brothers talking.  

Weight Gain:  It was about 13 pounds at this week's checkup.  

Maternity Clothes:  I have been enjoying breaking out a few more of my Spring and Summer maternity clothes in the last couple of weeks as Spring has definitely been in the air.  The weather has been gorgeous!  

Sleep: Still about the same.  I do still have trouble with a sore back and hips but pillows usually help.  We also had a rough few nights this weekend because of Brody feeling a little under the weather.  We thought he had a stomach bug on Thursday night, but then he seemed to develop some bad congestion and running a fever that made us think it was more respiratory.  His symptoms have improved now, and he slept better last night so we are hoping for a more restful night tonight. 

Best Moment of this Week: Just enjoying feeling all of her sweet movements and kicks as well as enjoying the lovely feeling of Spring in the air. 

Movement:  Lots and lots!

Food Cravings:  I'll eat almost anything, but almost everything gives me heartburn.  Tums are my best friend! 

Food Aversions:  Nothing really.

What I Miss:  Energy!  Although I have been feeling so tired and having some growing pains, I still feel like I constantly need to be doing something.  I'm not sure if this is nesting or just the usual Spring fever kicking in, but I was constantly doing something this weekend around the house.  I spent plenty of time outside with the boys, but I was always drawn to doing something (picking up sticks in the yard, sweeping the deck, etc.).  Inside, I started helping with the laundry and found myself going through the boys' drawers and closets and cleaning out their clothes for Spring.  I guess I am glad I got some stuff accomplished.  

Gender:  Sweet baby girl to join a house full of boys!

Symptoms: Heartburn and back and hip pain are the primary symptoms so far.  I do still experience the occasional nausea and dizziness brought on mostly by not eating soon enough, gagging, or just overdoing it.  

What I'm looking forward to:  Spring break week and then being done with school (we are definitely in the home stretch), having a 3D/4D ultrasound in April so we can get that final confirmation that little girl is on the way, ordering some stuff for the nursery, and transitioning the boys into their new shared space. 


These last few weeks and months have gone so fast, and I know you will be joining us very soon.  I know it is going to be a busy few months ahead, but I am looking forward to a wonderful summer together.  We have so many wonderful things planned, and we can't wait for you to join us.  We love you and just want you to be as healthy as you can be!  

Mommy, Daddy & the boys



  1. How exciting! I love your green dress - how cute!

    1. Thank you, Tracy! I got the green dress cheap last summer at Old Navy. I really do love green!

  2. What Tracy said! And I'm sorry about the messed-up sleep and the heartburn. Hopefully they go away soon.

    1. Well, I am just thankful these are very minor pregnancy symptoms. If that's the worst of it, I can live with it!

  3. Is that green dress maternity? I want it! It's so fresh and springy looking.

    I hate heartburn. I only have it when I'm pregnant and when I'm getting sick. Yuck!

    1. Nope, not maternity. It was my cute and cheap find at Old Navy last year. Yep, heartburn can be a pain (literally). I say that after eating a mexican pizza with jalapenos for lunch a little while ago with Brody and Eddie. Ha! It was good though.

  4. When my friend was pregnant, she always had heart burn. She was like, darn I wish I'd have bought stock in Tums prior to this.. lol :)

    1. Haha! It does seem to be a common pregnancy symptom. :-)

  5.! You look so cute!! I will send you a Sam's sized pack of Tums. Heartburn is the worst, but tums are like magic! Haha!

    1. They do help as does a nice big glass of milk at bedtime. :-)

  6. How cute you are!! Heartburn decided to be my best friend and never left my side while carrying my babies!

    1. Do you think it got worse with each subsequent pregnancy? I figure our stomach muscles just get weaker with each one so that kind of makes sense to me. It is definitely a minor symptom that is easily remedied. :-)


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