Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Dear Husband,

Do you remember these people?

This was a few weeks before Valentine's 2002 when we celebrated your 24th birthday.  (Yes, I went through a stage where I really liked adding stuff to old photographs that I scanned in. Ha!)   
Something I heard on the radio this morning on my way to work really got me thinking about us.  I know that with that infamous day of love tomorrow, this is kind of cheesy and all, but I do like to be reminded of the good times of our past.  Valentine's is a pretty significant day for us after all.  I was listening to the lovely Bob & Sheri duo on the radio (I'm sure you probably were too...haha!).  Sheri was reading some recent media statistic about the "best" way to propose.  She actually said that the best time and way to propose is on Valentine's Day when a couple has been together for about 2 years.  Does that sound familiar?  We had been together almost exactly 2 years on February 14, 2002 when you proposed to me on our Valentine's date.  I admit I always kind of envied those with more "creative" proposal stories, but looking back on that day and that time in our lives, I think our experience was just perfect for us.  I couldn't go on any elaborate trips or holidays because I was still in college.  You were working very hard in your new job in order to make a better life for us together.  I had school that day, but you dropped by to see me at school and gave me some lovely presents.  After school and work were finished for the day, I went home to prepare for our Valentine's date.  You were already there waiting for me as you had to travel a longer distance to get to my house, and I was a little late getting home due to a difficult commute.  I changed into my evening attire (I don't think I have any pictures of us dressed for the night...kind of sad about that).  We left to make it back to Raleigh for our dinner reservations at a nice steakhouse.  You were the complete gentleman in every way opening car doors and restaurant doors, etc.  We were seated at a lovely little table for two.  After ordering, you suggested we open each others' cards to one another.  I am sure I have that card stashed away in a box somewhere, but I know it was very sweet and from your heart.  You always pick the best cards.  Then, I looked up to see you offering a wrapped box to me.  I was a little annoyed at you because you had already given me gifts earlier that day.  I opened the box to reveal a little silver charm for my charm bracelet you had given me for an earlier present.  The charm had a monogram engraved on it, but the monogram was WRONG.  It wasn't the monogram of my maiden was the monogram of my current married name.  I turned the charm over to read another message inscribed on the back.  That message stated simply "Will you marry me?"  I was pretty surprised when I looked up and saw that you had moved onto your knee beside me with an open box with a ring inside.  It was a perfect ring matching what we had discussed and designed together in our prior discussions.  I was so shocked that words failed me so I just kissed you.  I was also just a tad embarrassed since the restaurant was quite busy on this lovers' day, and people were watching us.  I am still a pretty shy person and don't like being in the spotlight.  I guess the only part of this day that could have made it better is if we had been on some secluded beach somewhere.  Ha!  But the other patrons were very kind to us and wanted to wish us well in our future together.  You kindly reminded me that I hadn't said yes yet so I said, "Of course it is a yes.  You aren't getting away from me that easily!"  You had performed the ritual just right and had even asked my dad's permission, and he went along with you to the jewelry store to purchase the ring.

So really, in all fairness, I really do love our proposal story, and I think it is just perfect for us.  I don't think it really mattered that it was on Valentine's day, but it was just the perfect time for us.  We did choose the song "Valentine" as our wedding song so maybe we both do really share an affinity for this special day.

On another note, I thank you for spending the last almost 10 years as my husband.  I know that there have been many times over these years that you could have just given up and walked away and that I didn't really deserve you sticking by my side.  My song "Oh Sherry" by Steve Perry also came on the radio this morning on my drive, and I couldn't help but actually think that song really does describe me.  I know that sometimes my words really are "steel" and that I can say such hurtful things to you in anger, but you refuse to give up on us.

You should've been gone
Knowing how I made you feel
And I should've been gone
After all your words of steel
Oh, I must've been a dreamer
And I must've been someone else
And we should've been over
Oh, Sherry, our love
Holds on, holds on
Oh, Sherry, our love
Holds on, holds on
Oh, I won't let go
You'll go on hurtin' me
You'd be better off alone
If I'm not who you thought I'd be
But you know that there's a fever
Oh, that you'll never find nowhere else
Can't you feel it burnin'
Oh, Sherry, our love
Holds on, holds on
Oh, Sherry, our love
Holds on, holds on
Oh, Sherry

It is your strength that has kept us together all these years, and I just hope that I have at least made your life as enjoyable as you have made mine.  Don't give up on me!  I think I can see us sitting in those rocking chairs on our front porch watching the grandchildren playing in the yard.  There are still plenty more good things ahead!



  1. I LOVE it! What a perfect engagement story. Seriously. Every part of it just got better and better. What an imaginative and romantic guy Eddie is- that took a lot of planning!

    Happy Anniversary of your Engagement and Happy Valentines Day!

    1. And here I was being "unappreciative" that it wasn't "creative" enough. Yep, I'm feeling guilty. But no, I don't have any regrets and wouldn't have turned him down. I actually don't even usually think of Valentine's as an anniversary of our engagement thing...I think this may be the first year. Ooops! ;-)

  2. Replies
    1. What's the sigh for? Do you guys do Valentine's?

  3. Awww How stinkin' sweet!!~!
    Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Thanks, Piper! Happy Valentine's to you and your love!

  4. What a fabulous story!! That's one you will always remember and it belongs to you and your honey!


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