Monday, February 4, 2013

20 Weeks & Halfway Baked




Baby Girl will be here before we know it!  Yes, I know I need to announce a name for the little peanut.  It is pretty special -- I promise!  

These last few months have been so busy with school, our other kids' activities, and the holidays.  I really haven't had time to let this pregnancy slow me down too much, and it has gone so fast already.  I can only imagine how the next few weeks will fly by.  For background, we found out about this little peanut on November 2,2012 after we had decided a few months previous that this would be the best time to try to have another baby for many reasons.  I have never "surprised" my husband with a positive pregnancy test so I thought it would be fun this time.  We had kind of thought we would take the test that weekend, but I decided to do it while he took Evan to school that morning.  When he got home, he found this little box lying on his pillow:


Despite the fact that he knew we were trying, he still didn't guess what was in the box.  Ha!  He was like "you better not have bought me anything!"  Whatever, Mr. Grumpy pants!  So he opened the box to find this:


Then, at 18 weeks, we found out that the little peanut was a princess, and I have been in planning and preparation mode since then.  Yes, that means checking out little girl clothes in every store we enter and picking up a few items here and there.  Her stack of clothes is definitely growing!   

According to Babycenter, Baby Girl now weighs about 10 and 1/2 ounces and is 10 inches long...the length of a banana!  I am feeling her more now, and I don't feel quite as bad as I did at this point with Brody.  I had developed anemia at about this point with Brody and was feeling very weak and tired all the time.  I knew something was wrong because this is usually that "feel good" stage of pregnancy.  Mommy got some iron supplements and was soon feeling better though.  I am glad that I haven't experienced this problem so far.  

Weight Gain:  Ugh, don't even ask!  I might remove this one.  I don't even want to remember how much I gain at this point.  I guess it is maybe only about 5 pounds, but I just started out so much heavier this time.  *Sigh*  

Maternity Clothes:  Yep, I'm wearing plenty of those.  I have some pants with the stretchy waistbands that still work well as I'm not quite ready for the belly jeans yet.  I can still wear some loose fitting non-maternity shirts and dresses so I guess it is a combination.  I haven't really purchased anything new to wear yet, but I'm getting a little tired of what is currently in the closet so that may have to happen soon.  

Sleep: Still pretty good.  I wake up occasionally to change sides as my hips and back start hurting, but I've had those issues since Brody.  Ha!

Best Moment of this week: Getting so many new clothes for baby!

Movement:  I can definitely feel those flutters now.  When we saw her on the ultrasound, she was definitely a busy little bee.  No hard punches or kicks yet. 

Food cravings:  I guess I don't really have time to think much about food, but I did really want some Pinkberry frozen yogurt this weekend.  Nope, I didn't get any!  :-(  Salads have also been very appealing, and I got a good one yesterday.  

Food Aversions: Nothing really although I have been trying to stay away from heartburn inducing food (although I had a fair share of those last night at the sis-in-law's Super Bowl party...spicy chicken wings, yummy chorizo cheese dip and chips, chili, etc.).  Ha!

What I miss:  Nothing really.  I'm feeling pretty good and happy right now. 

Gender:  Sweet baby girl to join a house full of boys!

Symptoms: Heartburn and back and hip pain are the primary symptoms so far.  I do still experience the occasional nausea brought on mostly by not eating soon enough or gagging.  Seriously, I have a terrible gag reflex!

What I'm looking forward to:  Running a 5K after this pregnancy and law school is over and a much needed week long beach vacation this summer (which I reserved this week...yay!).  Seriously, it is hard to even contemplate that we'll be taking 3 kids to the beach this year.  We'll officially be outnumbered! Yikes!

Baby Girl, we are so excited that you are joining our family, and we can't wait to meet you!  Mommy can't wait to hold you in her arms, and Evan and Brody can't wait to give you lots of love!  Daddy is probably the most excited of all!  We love you bunches!



  1. This is just so exciting Sherry! I am dancing with joy over here for you. And I know I knew before this but seeing bump pictures makes it so much more real :)

    1. Well, I probably looked like I had a bump six months ago! ;-)

  2. Aww love your posts! What a great way to document the "wait" for her. Can't wait to see what her name is. We don't know what our new grandblessing is yet, but hopefully we will in a couple weeks.
    Seriously, how did I wait til birth to find out what my first 2 were??

    1. Thank you, Piper! I can't wait to hear about the new grand baby! I don't know how anyone can wait to find OCD would kill me. I simply have to be "prepared." Haha!

  3. How exciting! Can't wait to hear the name!

  4. Yay! I love reading pregancy and baby updates. I never got to surprise Michael with "the Test" either. I love the way you told Eddie.

    What is her name?!? Tell us!

    1. Yeah, I really just always wanted (needed) Eddie there for support for the other two. Ha! I didn't make him wait long or anything...just until he got back from taking Evan to school. I promise I'll tell. :-)

  5. You didn't make Eddie wait as long as I made Michael! He obviously knew we were trying but I had a feeling and took a test without telling him. Then when it was positive I panicked because I wasn't ready to be public with it yet and well...Michael gets WAY excited and has a very difficult time keeping things to himself. For example, he told his guys at work names that we were thinking about (for Kellan) before we had even decided for sure or even told family! So finally a few days after I took the positive test Michael says don't you think you should take a test just to see? He could tell by my quiet response that I already had...and that it was positive. :) He was still really excited and promised not to tell until I was farther along.

    1. Ha! I know exactly what you mean...Eddie waits until the first sign that I am ready to share and just can't contain himself any longer. Ha! Our neighbors are expecting their first baby in July and had just found out in October...her husband just busted out with the news at our neighborhood halloween party. I would have killed him! Haha!

  6. Oh and one more thing! :) In my long term plans I THINK I want 3 children...I'm glad that you and Eddie will be my guinea pigs (and blog about it) so I will see how you guys do before I make plans after baby #2! AND I can't believe we are so close! I'm 23 weeks tomorrow!

    1. Yeah, we definitely weren't sure even after having Brody, but the idea grew on me last summer because in thinking about all that was coming up I thought if we didn't go ahead, we probably wouldn't have a better opportunity.

    2. And yes, I actually was going to tell you when you messaged me about the baby, but I just couldn't yet. I don't know why, but I just felt like I needed to wait to share and that I wanted to wait to share with the boys too and try to make it special. :-)


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