Saturday, January 19, 2013


So yesterday, we were supposed to get this:


But instead, we only got this:

A few flurries were actually stuck to our back deck in the shade in the morning. 

So we made the best of it.  After work and school, Daddy and the boys met Mommy in uptown so that she could run some errands and do some school business and then we went to the park to play a little.  Yes, it was a tad cold, but neither of these kids seemed to mind.  Brody showed us how big he is sliding, climbing, running around, and chasing ducks.  Afterwards, we went to eat pizza at one of Evan's favorite places called Wolfman.  He loves all the pictures on the walls of werewolves from old movies and loves the breadsticks and pizza.  For some reason, Brody has not acquired a similar taste for this restaurant and was not equally as happy.  He enjoyed the breadsticks and a little of Mommy's salad, but he was not happy with the pizza at all.  Plus, I think he was getting pretty tired by then.  When we left, we noticed that the hot doughnuts now sign was lit at the neighboring Krispy Kreme (I do apologize for anyone who doesn't know the joy of a warm, fresh, glazed doughnut from this establishment.  Just take my word for is melt in your mouth goodness!).  We picked up a box of the good stuff and enjoyed one before heading home to bed.  I guess we'll call yesterday a good day even without the lovely white stuff we were hoping for!

*Note:  All of the following pictures were taken on the camera phone since I was caught without the camera.  Not the best quality but not too bad either considering it was getting dark and was already cloudy.

Brody enjoyed climbing on the playground equipment.  Yes, his little hands were frozen, but he didn't mind. 

Showing us his new tricks. 

"I can slide on my bottom now!"

"Here I go!"

Not too sure about this big slide though.  He did go down after watching big brother and Mommy helped him get into position. 

Big brother leads the way!

Smiling from the top.  

Climbing the big stairs like a big boy. 

Going to check out the choo choo train. 

My boys!

Brody chasing ducks.  He was so cute quacking and saying "duck."  

He just giggled when the duck would open its wings to fly away when he got too close.  Then, he ran after him.   He was not happy when he flew away for good. 

A sweet picture of Daddy and his littlest man. 


  1. Oh how I wish snow would visit my home too. :) I am a huge pizza fan. Reading your post made my mouth for breakfast anyone?!

    Your pictures are too cute!! The love you all have for each other is extremely evident. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Dang, seems like a lot of places in the country aren't getting the snow like they're supposed to. Glad you guys still went out and enjoyed your day!

  3. It was extremely cold here last week. Our highs were only in the 40's, which is almost unheard of. No snow though. It was cold, but very very dry. It was kind of nice to get all bundled up and not be too hot. We're in the 70's this week though. I had the AC on for a few minutes in the car today!

    Love the pictures of the boys playing!

    1. Yep, our weather has been equally crazy! It was wet and cool all week last week and then the forecast for snow on Friday and then it warmed up to almost 60 this weekend. It is very nice today, but the forecast says a high of 34 tomorrow! Brrrr!

  4. We have had quite a bit of snow here lately. And cold temperatures too. I'll send you some of ours!

    Brody is getting soooo big.

    1. Natasha, I think you are sending us a cold front tomorrow! It is only supposed to get up to 34 degrees Fahrenheit (1.1 C) tomorrow! Brrrr!


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