Sunday, January 13, 2013

Celebrating Our Favorite Person

We celebrated Daddy's birthday last weekend with his mother and Papa James.  On Saturday night, Grandma and Papa James let us have a date night to go and see The Hobbit.  On Sunday, we went to eat at Outback and then went home to enjoy some yummy ice cream cake.  We hope our special Daddy enjoyed the time with his family.

Daddy's cake.  No, that is not enough candles, but I attempted lighting the number of candles for his birth year a few years ago, and the cake looked like a fire hazard.  Ha!

Making his wish and blowing out the candles.  

Evan likes the chocolate ice cream center.  I thought it was half cake half ice cream, but I was mistaken.  It was also frozen solid and required that big knife to cut. 

Silly daddy pulled out the left over 1st birthday napkins.  

Digging in!

Brody couldn't dig into this cold cake so he had to wait for Mommy to feed him.  

We love you, Daddy! 
Dear Eddie,

I hope you already know how special you are around here.  We all think you are the greatest...especially Brody lately.  I know it is hard sometimes having your birthday so close to Christmas when we are all just starting to get our routine back in order after the holiday season.  We always want to make your day extra special.  It was a little hard this year since your birthday fell on Monday, but we tried to celebrate last weekend when your family visited.  I am sorry I have been so tired and demanding of your time lately, and I wish we could have done more to make your day extra special.  We all think you are deserving of a national holiday for being so truly amazing.  I often feel so guilty that you have to do so much for all of us doing the work of a single full-time daddy on many occasions while still working full-time.  But then I listen to the laughter and see the special bond you have developed with your little boys, and I am just thankful.  Thankful that you have the opportunity to develop a bond that is so unusual for fathers.  Fathers are usually the bread winners, and while many are good dads, you are so much more.  You feed them, clothe them, wash them, change them, read to them, play with them, love them, and are often their primary caretaker.  They see all that you do for them, and it is no surprise that they want to be with you ALL THE TIME.  You don't treat these duties as if they were a chore either.  You always act like you enjoy your time together.  There is always laughter coming from any room where you and the boys happen to be with lots of tickling and playing.  Although I am very ready to resume more of these duties again, I know that you and the boys are always going to have this very special bond that has developed during these last few years.  The boys are learning from you how to truly be caring and giving men, and of course, they will make their future little wives very happy just like you make me.  Thank you for going so far above and beyond the traditional responsibilities of a husband and father.  We are definitely the lucky ones!

Love always,



  1. Happy Birthday Eddie!

    We saw The Hobbit last Saturday too. How crazy, but at the same time, how expected since we are twins.

  2. What a great way to honor your husband! I am sure he will treasure this post!

  3. Awww... I have tears in my eyes from your sweet letter. Although I am able to be with my kids all day they have a special bond with Dave. And I know that is even more so for Sam who had a lot of Daddy time the year he was one. I was working 60% time and Dave was able to be with Sam when I couldn't be.

    Also, Dave's birthday is this coming Thursday and we are going to see The Hobbit this weekend as his special birthday date! :)

    And for Dave's cake this past weekend I just bought the numbers of his age. No fire hazard required! And I was able to use the 1 candle from Rachel's first birthday.

    1. And of course I should have said:

      Happy Birthday to Eddie!!!

  4. Happy belated birthday!!!! It looks and sounds like you guys had a very special and wonderful time celebrating his 1st birthday!! ;)

    Your letter was beautiful. Your man has one special lady as a wife!!

    1. Well, thank you, "ma'am!" ;-) He's a pretty special guy too. We are lucky women, aren't we?


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