Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Baby Girl's First Pictures

Last Thursday, we "met" our little girl at our 18 week ultrasound.  This was our first peek at the new addition.  Sometimes I find myself getting a little sad that I don't get to have numerous ultrasounds like mothers who have more "high risk" pregnancies, but then I am just so thankful that our babies are not in a "high risk" situation.  My heart aches for so many friends who have lost little ones lately or who have yet to experience the joy of pregnancy or birth.  I was actually so much more worried this time around because I just felt like I had been blessed with such healthy pregnancies and babies with my two children and that it may be "my turn."  Of course, I tried to remember that it is all in God's hands, but it is so hard not to worry.  I mean, I definitely don't believe God makes bad things like miscarriages and children getting sick happen.  I believe that sickness and death is the consequence of living in a sinful and fallen world and that God helps us get through even the toughest situations if we trust in Him.  I thank Him for all of His many blessings for my family, especially our health, and I pray the same blessings for all of us.  Anyway,we hope that like the boys we'll have a couple more peeks at this little one before she arrives in late June, but for now, here is the little princess of our family:

Sweet little side profile and tummy with her arm at her side. 

Yep, that's the girl shot.  Haha!  We're actually pretty confident.  For those who aren't used to reading these things, her  bottom is pointing to the left of the picture and her legs are sticking out to the right side.  Between her legs are three little darker white lines that apparently signify girl parts.  I definitely didn't see what I saw with the boys.  

The alien baby face picture.  Little girl actually kind of freaked Daddy and I out a little here.  She was moving around quite a bit so the tech had to keep moving the wand around and we got this glimpse of her with her hands up on either side of her face like she was clawing at us and her mouth opened.  Seriously, it looked like something from a horror movie.  Haha!

Maybe sucking her thumb? 

All curled up in a ball.  The tech measured her femur bone and thought she was measuring on the small side.  I figure she'll probably be petite like me.  



  1. Ahhhhh! I love it! So cute. I just love pregnancy and ultrasounds and all the preparations.

    1. Good 'cause I'll share lots of preparations. You know I've already started her wardrobe. Hehe! Remember, we are twins so in about 6 months, I'll expect the same from you. ;-)

    2. Congrats Sherry - I blog spy sometimes on the blogs Natalie follows. I haven't been on yours recently and Natalie told me you are expecting a baby girl. We have a baby girl due June 28th. Maybe they will be birthday twins!

    3. Thanks so much, Megan! Do you have a blog I can check out? It would be cool if we had birthday twins...Natalie and I are blog twins (we share the same birthday as well as a whole host of other crazy similarities)! ;-)

  2. Awwww...she's adorable! I so clearly remember seeing the three white lines when the ultrasound tech told us "It's a girl." One of the best moments of my life :)

    Also, I totally hear you about feeling like "It's gonna be my turn soon." Like you said, it's not because God wills it but because there is sin and death in this world. I feel so blessed by my husband and kids (after thinking for a few years I wouldn't have either) and now I just keep praying it doesn't all get taken away. I KNOW that not what God wants but we are human and bad things do happen here on Earth. (Does this make sense???)

    1. It was a pretty great moment, Natasha. I had a little trouble believing, but the picture does look pretty certain. Yes, the worrying about bad things happening is a hard battle to win. I just don't think I could be strong like Job if I had to go through the loss of one of my children or my husband. I pray for peace from such worries though!

  3. Aww precious baby girl! Prayers for a healthy pregnancy!!

  4. How sweet! And I understand the "waiting for the other shoe to drop" feeling. One thing that really helped me was dwelling on scripture instead of sitting there in my worry. Isaiah 33:6 specifically because I love to think of God as our "sure foundation." I love those little ultrasound pics! I still have all of Penelope's :)

    1. Thanks so much, Tamara! I'll definitely keep that scripture in mind as I am a pretty constant worrier. Yes, you must keep these special pictures for Penelope when she grows up. I wish I had more baby pictures of myself, but I don't think my kids will be disappointed. Ha!

  5. How in the world did I miss that you were having a girl?!? Congrats! Have you decided on a name yet? Annabelle is a great one! ;)

    1. Awww, I don't know how you missed the reveal. The boys did a good job with it though. It is a couple of posts back called Blessed Again. Yes, Annabelle is a pretty great name, but we are going to use a special family name which I will share more about soon. :-)


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