Friday, December 7, 2012

Our Christmas Kick Off Tradition

Since moving to Charlotte 5 years ago, we started a little tradition.  Usually the weekend before Thanksgiving, one of our local malls does an outdoor Christmas tree lighting celebration.  Some years have been bigger and better than others, but we always love getting the kids in the Christmas spirit early.  Yes, I know I am pretty late in posting about this.  Exams, work, etc....need I say more?  Some years have been pretty cool with fake snow around the tree, Santa appearing, riding a little Christmas train, etc.  We usually don't stay for the Christmas movie showing on the big screen because it does usually get pretty cold by 9:00 at night.  This year was actually quite chilly although we have been having unseasonably warm (even record breaking) temperatures this past week.  Ugh!  The kids got to bundle up in their warm winter coats which did make it feel a little more Christmas-y than t-shirts.  Unfortunately, I didn't check the time online for when all the events would occur and just assumed the tree would be lit later around 8:00 like in years past.  Usually, the little kiddie rides and fun stuff is out until that time.  We went into the mall to eat a quick dinner before 7:00.  Unfortunately, Eddie had to drop me and the kids off and run back home because he forgot the camera!  Yes, I am blaming him.  Ha!  So I had to handle a stroller and keeping up with a 5 year old while attempting to order food at the food court.  The service was a little slower than usual and when we got to a table with our food, they had messed up Evan's kid's meal.  Ugh!  I had to send Evan back to the counter with his chicken nuggets so I wouldn't have to pack everything back up and haul Brody back up there.  I was nervous for him and watched him the whole time.  It was pretty busy, but he proudly came back with the correct order.  I think this is a real sign that my big boy is growing up!  Anyway, by the time we finished eating, Daddy arrived and ate a quick dinner, and we took a little stroll through the mall to see the indoor decorations and make a little stop so Mommy could pick the boys up some Christmas attire that was on sale, it was after 8:00.  We hurried outside to discover that the tree was already lit, all the little rides had been taken down, and the movie was already started.  Yep, I was a little disappointed.  Oh well, we still got a few pictures in front of the big tree for the memory.

Trying to get a picture with the big indoor tree, but Brody was not cooperating. 

He just wanted to turn around so he could touch it. 

The big living outdoor tree

Daddy and his boys.  We got Evan a new coat this year (he wore the red one Brody is wearing for the last few years), and we bought the new one a little big so it would last longer.  Plus it has an insert so it is two coats in one.  

Well, Brody was happy.  They did not cooperate for a picture with Mommy. 

But we did get a decent family picture that a stranger took for us.  At least Brody is looking this year.  Last year, he was turned around looking at the tree.  


  1. I'm sorry you are so busy. Hang in there -- you can do it! Praying for you Sherry that you have energy, focus and motivation to keep going. You're almost done.

    And I'm sorry that you missed the tree lighting and rides. sigh.

    And we always buy Sam's clothes a little big so he can get more wear out of them -- especially jackets.

  2. I love that last picture! Great family photo!

  3. Your boys are too, too cute!! Their smiles show what a wonderful, loving family you have. :)

    I can so relate to your evening. We have been late numerous times for things. Nine times out of ten we think we have the time right and end up not. I blame my husband too!!! :)

    Much love to you. Have a wonderful weekend. xoxo

  4. Awe I love traditions and this one sure looks like a good one. And we won't hold school/work/life against you :)


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