Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas at School

I was a little sad this year that neither of my boys would be putting on a "real" Christmas program.  I guess Christmas programs are just too much additional work for our already overloaded teachers in elementary school, and I guess a Christmas program consisting of only one year olds probably wouldn't be very productive.  However, we enjoyed sharing in the boys' Christmas celebrations at school.  Evan and his class actually did get to go to a local retirement home to sing Christmas carols (of course, we didn't get to go to that).

Brody's School Party

Brody's school party was on his last day of school before Christmas which was the Monday of the week before Christmas.  Daddy and Mommy both got to attend his little party, and we did sing some Christmas songs that the kids had been learning.  Brody didn't sing, but he enjoyed dancing in the middle of the room and putting on his own show.  I was also impressed that he knew some of the hand motions.  He is learning so much.  The class' room mom did an excellent job setting up and providing refreshments and buying the teachers' gifts with the money we all contributed.  Mommy enjoyed getting to make a little craft with Brody, and he was so cute going right into his classroom and finding his little picture that was laid out for us to use.  He definitely knew which one was his!

Some yummy treats for the party. 

The sweets table - Yummy!
Daddy helps Brody get some Christmas goldfish crackers...always a big hit with little ones. 
Not sure what this face was for. 

Enjoying the party with all his friends and their parents. 

Someone likes to be the center of attention I think. 

And he likes the camera too. 

Singing and doing the motions with Mommy. 

Brody doing some of the motions. 

"Reading" the music. 

He's ready for Jingle Bells. 

Watching Mommy cut out his picture to make his gingerbread man. 

Gluing on his sweet picture. 

Our finished masterpiece.  I don't know what kind of expression he was making for that picture, but it was so cute!

Brody's present to us this year.  I love it!
Evan's School Party

Evan's party was also on his last day of school which was the Thursday before Christmas.  It was also pajama day so he enjoyed wearing some Christmas jammies!  Daddy volunteered to attend the party (I swear, Mommy is going to get to go to one of his school parties or events one day) and took some pictures of the events.  They were doing lots of crafts and needed lots of parental help.  Eddie says he doesn't know how Evan's teacher does it everyday by herself.  It was CRAZY!  It is a good thing Evan works very well independently, that's for sure.  He got to decorate his own cookie and made a cute reindeer ornament for our tree.  He also got some adorable gifts from his teacher.  She is such a sweet lady!

Evan and his classmates and teacher in their pajamas. 

Cutting out his hand print all by himself.  He did such a good job!

And showing off his reindeer cookie.  Such a perfectionist!

And I just love that face!

A shot of the craziness!

Enjoying the fruits of his labor. 

And decorating a snowflake. 

His cute little reindeer ornament. 

His teacher gave them all these piggy banks.  We think and hope they were donated by one of  the large banks in our city. 

And she gave them all these adorable owl ornaments because they are the Bright Owls.  

She even wrote their names on the back.  How sweet!
These kids just keep making my tree look cuter and cuter!



  1. Even though they weren't "real" Christmas programs, both both had really nice Christmasy school things. I really like those owl ornaments.

    1. Yes, I think it was great for each of them. Evan has done his share of preschool programs and probably enjoyed the break. I am sure Brody will have a lot in his future too. :-)

  2. I was so sad because our church didn't do a kids' program this year. Bummer.

    But Sam brought home cute ornaments he had made at preschool and Sunday School. I agree our tree was getting more awesome with each one!

    I can't believe all the work Evan's teacher went to. Those piggy banks are awesome.


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