Thursday, December 13, 2012


What a day!  Seriously, it was really a very typical and “boring” day in our lives.  I was hoping for a little more “excitement” on such an unusual date so that I could have some special memories to remember this day.  Unfortunately, it began much like most of our days.  Evan got up and dressed and off to school at his usual time.  He seemed to have a pretty normal day.  Brody also had school so we got him up and dressed, and Daddy fed him his breakfast while Mommy got ready for work.  It was a chilly morning when Mommy dropped him off at school.  As far as I know, nothing unusual happened for him at school, and he came home as usual with his nanny.  I went on to work and had a pretty typical day. 

I was actually praying for a couple of miracles to occur throughout the day.  Two more sad stories had popped up in my Facebook newsfeed.  Seriously???  I don’t understand all of these heartbreaking stories.  These are both local stories.  One is a little infant boy appropriately named Rex (like the big, strong dinosaur who likes to fight).  Rex has been quite a fighter as he has struggled with a congenital lung disease that has prevented him from breathing on his own.  Several times, they have tried to take him off the life sustaining machines at our local children’s hospital, but he failed each time and had to be intubated again.  Yesterday, it seemed he had taken a serious turn for the worst, and the machines were not helping him anymore.  It looked like he would not make it.  I just hoped that 12/12/12 would be the day that God worked His miracle in this precious little life.  Sweet Rex went to be with God early this morning.  I guess sometimes God’s miracle isn’t what we planned. 

Another story that has been popping up in my newsfeed lately is the search for a missing 16 year old girl named Kayla that lived just a few miles down the road from us.  The community really rallied around this family and organized big search parties to find this girl.  Her body was found during a search yesterday as they drained a pond.  Who would do such a thing?  Well, in this world today, I guess it shouldn’t surprise me that much.  I had a childhood friend when I was a teenager whose body was found dumped in a field.  No one has ever come forward, and his parents still do not have answers to this day.  I am glad that this girl’s family can honor their daughter by laying her remains to rest, and I pray that they will receive peace that can only come from God during this time.  I also pray that in time they will receive answers regarding what happened to their daughter. 

So no, 12/12/12 didn’t turn out to have any “special” significance as I had hoped.  I am thankful that I got to go home to my wonderful family last night and enjoy some special time with them at the dinner table.  Brody entertained us with music and dancing during and after dinner.  He had already eaten his dinner so he enjoyed turning on some music and doing his little dance routine.  Then, the boys had their baths, and we enjoyed snuggling on the couch and watching some television together.  As I think of Rex’s and Kayla’s families and what they must all be going through today, I know that we are so lucky to have each precious moment together, and I never want to take a second for granted.  I know that 12/12/12 was just another date on the calendar, and we should really just celebrate everyday that we are given because we are not promised tomorrow.  I read some words from the father of sweet Hunter whose story I also shared recently.  Hunter is such a little miracle and blessing and is proof of what God can and wants to do.  Hunter’s father shared some amazing words recently.  He reminds us that although God doesn’t promise us the outcome we desire, he does promise He “will fight for you; you need only be still.”  Exodus 14:14.  As He promised Joshua in the Bible, “No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life.  As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.”  Joshua 1:5.  Those are amazing promises!  Read about how God fought for Baby Hunter, and help me pray for the families of Rex and Kayla today.  Thank you so much!  


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