Friday, November 2, 2012

Just a little note...

Hi, folks!  I just wanted to post a little note today to let everyone know I am still here.  I haven't had a free minute to post about halloween or other important events that occurred this week like Evan's first awards program this week or Brody eating his first Reese's peanut butter cup.  Ha!  Tonight after a quick dinner with my boys, I have to head to Wake Forest University (about 2 hours away) so that I can get up bright and early and take an important test that is just one step on the way to becoming a lawyer.  It is the MPRE (Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam).  How professionally responsible am I?  I guess we'll find out.  Seriously, there are a lot of rules governing lawyers' conduct although my husband thinks they can get away with more than the average joe too.  Ha!  So anyway, here's a picture that I posted to Facebook that is a glimpse of our fun halloween.  I'll be back with more later.  I appreciate your kind thoughts and prayers tomorrow!



  1. I'll be thinking of, and praying for, you tomorrow Sherry! You will do awesomely. I know it.

  2. I figured you must have been slammed with work or school. It's just not like you to go so long without a post.

    Good luck in the morning. I'll be sending you very professional and responsible vibes.

  3. Good luck my friend! I hope everything goes well and you're on step closer to realizing your dream.

  4. How cute! And I am sending a prayer your way right now!! Good luck!

  5. Love the photo and hope the test went well!


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