Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Please Pray Without Ceasing!

I got home tonight to read this update on the status of my friend's little nephew who is suffering from a malignant brain tumor.  From his human physician's perspective, the news is not good.  There are no viable treatment options for his type of cancer.  From what I can understand, the trouble with his tumor is that it is so embedded in his brain and with his blood supply that when the surgery was performed to remove what they could remove of it, he lost a very substantial amount of blood.  The medical options now involve just helping to make Henry as comfortable as possible for the remainder of his life.  I for one refuse to give up hope for this sweet, precious child, and I know that His God loves him and has a purpose for his little life.  Please help me continue to lift up fervent prayers for his sweet little body's healing.  The words of his sweet mother can better explain the situation to you:

Well, it's been a week of discussion, prayer, and reaching the most agonizing decision of our lives. All treatment options for Henry's brain cancer were weighed and researched and in the end we felt peace with only one path.

We have expressed our desire to Henry's medical team to proceed with inpatient rehab therapy only, for the purpose of reaching peak motor skill/mobility before bringing our precious boy home with hospice care for these final months.

The neurosurgeon said he wished he had a reason to disagree, or to encourage us to keep fighting... but admitted that he couldn't... and that he would choose the same path in our position. He spoke of the dignity we can give little Henry - taking him home to security & familiarity, surrounded by family.

Today we are thankful for the care he has received and will receive. We're thankful for his giggles this week while playing with play-dough and paints, and his wide-eyed joy as we explored the hospital from the view of his Radio-Flyer wagon.

We're thankful that for the past few years we've been studying the heart of God, especially in the face of evil. We've gained tremendous perspective from a book titled "Is God to Blame?" by Greg Boyd. Having that knowledge before tragedy hit our home has framed this whole experience with the assurance that our Father's heart is FOR us, and for little Henry, regardless of the outcome.

Please pray our days at home will be filled with joy, peace, and the making of precious memories. And please know, as long as his heart beats we continue to pray for a miracle. We ask that you join us.

We also humbly ask for extra privacy in our home and at the hospital during this delicate time. We aren't sure day to day whether Henry will feel up to having visitors, so please feel free to contact us via phone or FB if you'd like to check on his strength and capability to socialize with guests.

Thank you again for the tremendous outpouring of support. Love and blessings.



  1. Oh Sherry -- My heart is breaking as I read this post. I am so sorry for what this family is experiencing and I am praying for them, storming the gates of heaven and asking God for a miracle.

    1. Thank you for your continued prayers, Natasha. Just the thought of losing either of my boys paralyzes me with fear. It took my breath away last night reading this latest news, but I believe God has an awesome plan for little Henry and am believing in his miracle.

  2. This is just awful. I am heartbroken for this family. I am not often without words, but the seriousness and sadness of this leaves me without words.

    1. I know. The worst news a parent can hear, right? But they aren't giving up on their son, and neither am I!


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