Wednesday, October 17, 2012

More Prayers Requested

My Mom and I on my wedding day. 

One of our earliest pictures together before I was adopted. 

I really debated posting this because I have reached out for prayer requests recently for my friend's little nephew and don't want to seem needy or depressed, but I just felt I would be truly remiss if I didn't write this.  I posted this to Facebook first.  This is also a testament to God's wonderful works too!  This has been the longest battle my family and I have ever had to face...over 20 years.  My mom turned 66 this past June.  For the last 20 something years, she has fought a constant battle with a chronic heart condition and other issues. During that time, she has undergone countless catherizations and angioplasties (more than anyone I know), multiple bypass surgeries, taken enough medications to stock a hundred pharmacies for a year, and had many hospital stays. She has learned that if she feels any of the "symptoms" of a heart attack to immediately go to the emergency room.  Thankfully, she and my dad have great health insurance because of his retirement from the military and her retirement from civil service and working for state government.  Her dad died young from heart trouble so we are also very thankful for wonderful physicians  who have always given her hope and a relatively normal life. She just had her last angio on a 99% blockage and was told that they just couldn't do anymore of these procedures (which have been the main treatment option for the multitude of blockages she has developed through the years) because her blood vessels in her legs and wrists cannot tolerate the use of going through them.  Her treatment options will be limited to medication now. We have always trusted God to care for her and still do, and we appreciate your prayers as well. We wish they could live nearer to us and enjoy their grandkids in their retirement years as well.  Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for us!  She is at home now so there is no immediate danger, but we just pray that God will continue to bless her.



  1. Don't ever feel like you are asking for too many prayers! Ask away!

    Man, what a rough road for your mom. My dad had a double bypass in 1998, but it was successfull and while he has to watch what he eats, exercise and take medications, he has remained stable and pretty healthy.

    Your mom sounds very strong to have made it through all of that. I will keep her in my prayers.

    1. She has been strong in many respects, but I wish she'd been like your dad and made more lifestyle changes in the beginning. Heart problems (even when genetic) can usually be overcome by proper diet and exercise. She has also had an extensive history of diabetes and weight issues. Thank you so much, friend, for your prayers!

  2. P.S. You were beautiful on your wedding day!

  3. I am praying for healing, strength, and peace for all of you. Please don't ever apologize for asking for prayer. You can ask ALL day! :-). Your sisters will happily pray for any need you have. Love to you. Xoxo

    1. Thank you so much, Marci! Do you have a blog? I only see a google+ account. :-)

  4. Sherry --

    I will also be praying. And like everyone else I also want to add, don't ever feel like you are asking for too many prayers.

    Your mom has made it through so much already, and with God's help, will continue to keep going.

    1. Thank you, Natasha! Your prayers mean a lot because I know you have a lot of faith!

  5. Praying that your mom is feeling well and all is okay with her. I hate that she has to worry about her health like that.

    And I agree with Natalie.....please ask away. We are all here for you!! N


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